Y/n look and ikran

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Hello my readers and followers I have decided to show some pictures of what the reader might look like in the book. Along with her ikran everything else like her clothes, weapon, and other creature friends, everyone else will look like 8n the book. I had gotten one question about Luno and what he looks like so I decided to show what the ikran look like with everything else that I have so far. I have added some mystery creatures to this so if anyone has any questions please comment and if you what to see what other characters look like please comment and I will make another post like this. If anyone has any questions please feel free and to ask and I will answer them to my best ability thank you.

About y/n
Full name : y/n te tshaka mo'at ( y/n granddaughter of tshaik mo'at)
Likes : her family, friends, clan, and her home,
Dislike : her parents and all the other olo'eythans and tshaiks, the RDA and evil humans, and anyone putting her loved ones in danger.
Hobbies : singing, dancing, cooking, hunting, and explore, studying the world around her, being with the ones she loves


Luno look 2

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Luno look 2

Luno look 2

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