Hanako-Kun (Edited)

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      Hello And welcome to this book about tbhk! Thank you so much for taking time out of your hands to try out this book, any picture I may show doesn't belong to me unless said otherwise. And I will mainly be following the storyline, so there will be many spoilers! Toilet-bound Hanako-Kun belongs to AidaIro. And without further ado, I hope you enjoy it!


"Uhh. . .Nene? Is there a reason why you're dragging me to the abandoned girls' bathroom?"

"For support!" Nene replied, speeding up. She was still clutching your arm, so you had no other choice but to follow her.

"Support on what?!?" You yelled in response, why would Nene need your support for something in the girls' bathroom? Nene stopped speed walking, turning around to face you. "Aoi told me about one of our school's Wonders, specifically the Seventh. I want to summon her, and I want you to be there in case something goes wrong!" After her short explanation, Nene turned back around and continued to march forward. You suppress a laugh. ". . .Nene, I don't think this supposed 'Seventh Wonder' exists. I mean, c'mon, ghosts and stuff. . .That's just made up to scare people. . .'' You never knew Nene believed in such things, but then again, there was never an appropriate time to ask her about it. You waited for a response, but all you were greeted with was silence. Sighing, willed yourself to speak up again, feeling bad.

"Alright then, let's summon a weird ghost girl from the bathroom," You said, mustering up a little more enthusiasm, and walked faster so that you were now standing next to Nene, instead of having her drag you around like a limp mannequin. Nene seemed to be happier now that you're willingly joining her to summon the Seventh Wonder.

So together, the two of you entered the third school building, and started your way up the stairs, your footfalls echoing across the vacant building. The walls keeping the old school building up were dusted, the cream-colored paint peeling off, and the smell wasn't any better. You were sure the janitor never set foot in this building. Why didn't they just take it down at this point?

"Sooo. . .Do you know anything about this Seventh Wonder?" You asked, your words bouncing off the hollow walls.

"I don't know much about her, other than her name, Hanako-san, and how to summon her, which is to knock three times on the third stall of the girl's bathroom on the third floor of the third building. You chant her name three times and ask if she's there. And boom! Hanako-san!" Nene replied.

"That was a lot of three's. . ." You mumbled.

"That's all you have to say about it!?" Nene's loud high-pitched screeching voice bounced off the walls, echoing.

"Yup." Was your only response, and the environment was filled with silence yet again, with the exception of your footsteps.

Now standing outside the girls' bathroom in which this 'Hanako-san' should be lurking, something dawned on you, and you asked before walking into the girls' bathroom, "So, are all your girlfriends busy or something?" You questioned, now following a few feet behind Nene.

"Oh! Yeah, all of them have clubs right now. Plus, I have you to protect me in case something goes wrong!" Nene stated confidently.

". . .You do know I'm failing P.E. . Right?" You told her blatantly. She paused for a moment. "That doesn't matter! Let's just get going." She said, fully walking into the bathroom, you reluctantly followed behind.

That bathroom, weirdly, was way cleaner than you thought it would be, no leaking sinks or toilets, it even looked like their bowls' had been recently cleaned. There was a giant window opposite the door, letting all the light of the world in, never needing a light bulb to keep the room illuminated.

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