The Confession Tree (Edited)

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        "Denying it all just means you're confessing it all."


"Nene!" You called, running up to the smaller girl and trapping her in a tight hug. She gasped and staggered back. She wasn't expecting a hug right when she walked onto campus! You normally weren't like this, excited to see her and all. She saw you just yesterday, so she wondered why you were so happy to see her less than a day later. But, nonetheless, she hugged you back. "Hi, M/n," She said shakily, recovering from her state shock.

Apparently, anyone who had been affected by the Misaki Stairs didn't remember anything after they were turned back to normal. But that didn't matter right now, Nene was safe, Aoi was safe, everyone was safe, that was the only focus for today. You let go of Nene. "Let's get to class, yeah?" You said with a smile, leading the way to English, the first class of the day. Nene wordlessly followed behind you.

"You're kind of odd today. . ." Nene pointed out. She didn't mean it in a bad way, it just stood out to her. You chuckled lightly, remembering yesterday's events. "Yeah, sorry, I had a rough day yesterday," You sheepishly replied, opening your classroom door for Nene to walk through first, then letting yourself in. You sat in your assigned seat just as the bell rang, signaling the official start of the Wednesday.

"Alright class, make groups of three, we're doing a group writing project," Your teacher, Mr. Haru said, a pile of papers stacked high in his hands. You immediately glanced at Nene, then to Aoi, who was also in your class. The two girls looked at each other, then to you, silently agreeing to be partners. Once kids started moving around, you did as well and decided to go to Aoi's desk, over by the giant windows letting in yellow rays of bright sunlight.

"I'm going to keep it pretty vague, but you're going to create a suspenseful short story, you have until the end of class to finish and turn in the first draft." Mr. Haru explained, sitting down behind his cluttered, oversized desk. You looked over to Nene and Aoi. "We should do something about someone who has a sixth sense, or something along those lines." Ghosts were the first thing that came to your mind. That was suspenseful enough, right?

Or, you had just been hanging out with Hanako too much. He could be quite suspenseful when he wanted to be.

"Good idea! Maybe we could have it as a person who can see ghosts, and doesn't know it?" Aoi agreed, adding her own original ideas to the mix. Aoi was always like that, when there was a small idea she liked, she would always add to it, making it even better.

"And maybe a little bit of romance!" Nene said excitedly.

"You and your romance. . ." You mumbled, amused.

"I think that could work, actually. We can have the main character be a guy, and he sees a ghost that's a cute girl, but doesn't know it." Aoi suggested, coming up with the plot on the spot.

"Alright, then let's start drafting it." You said, happy that there was already a plot. There was more time to write. Nene grabbed her pencil, and Aoi opened her notebook to a fresh page.

* * *

"Class is almost over, your stories better be finished," Mr. Haru said aloud for all the class to hear. It had been about an hour now, and your group's story looked almost done, just a couple more sentences and it should be good to go!

"And. .finished," You said, writing the last sentence down. Since you had the best handwriting out of your group, you were the writer, while Nene and Aoi played out the story for you. You looked over the finished product.

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