The Boys Who Changed Their Future (Edited)

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"The past is like a ghost. Dead, but just as alive."


"M/n! M/n!" You heard a familiar voice shout your name. You looked over to see the origin of the voice.

"Amane? What are you doing here so late?" You asked, surprised to see your friend still at the school. Currently, you were in the library, studying for an upcoming math test. Math wasn't your biggest attribute, and you were worried you were going to fail, resulting in you overstaying at the school library, studying feverishly.

Your friend ran up to you, stopping right in front of you with energy spewing from him. "I have something to show you!" Amane said, giggling while digging through his school uniform pant pocket. It was only until then when you noticed the state your friend was in.

"You have bruises again. . ." You pointed out sadly, grabbing Amane's arm gently, turning it over to see the injuries better. More cuts and injuries littered his arm. The cuts were red and looked painful, his bruises being a dark purple color. The last time this happened was only a few days ago. . .

"It's fine. Here, take a look at it!" Amane brushed off your concern, and instead, pushed an object in your hands. It was small, and had rough surfaces. You looked at your palm to see that Amane had given you some kind of rock. You turned it over, the rock was quite misshapen, as if it had been repeatedly slammed against another hard surface, chipping multiple edges. It was also tinted the color red, as if it had been basking in the sun for one hundred years, living up to the name "Red hot."

"Uhh, a rock?" You said, confused why Amane wanted to show you this, running to you just to show a plain red piece of the Earth. Amane laughed, "It's not just any rock, it's a moon rock! It fell from the sky yesterday and landed right in my backyard! Cool, right?" Amane asked enthusiastically, watching as you continued to turn the rock this way and that, observing it further.

"A moon rock, huh. You sure you're not imagining things?" You asked, giving Amane a suspicious but teasing look.

"I promise you, I'm not!" Amane replied, making eye contact, staring intently to prove his point. You smiled, handing the rock back to Amane. "Alright then, I guess I'll believe you," You said, standing up from your seat and collecting your books and math papers, putting them all in their respective folders in your binder.

"Let's get you to Mr. Tsuchigomori. Those injuries need to be looked at," You suggested, starting to walk to the library's entrance. You turned back to see that Amane wasn't following you. Amane was just standing there, gaze stubbornly fixated on the floor.

"Amane. . .C'mon, let's go. . ." You urged, but Amane didn't move an inch. You sighed and walked towards him, gently grabbing his arm in a spot that had no injuries. "We gotta get you fixed up, alright?" You persisted. But he still refused to move.

"I'll be fine." Was all he said.

"You're clearly not! We need to get you fixed up. . .Doesn't it hurt?" You asked, starting to pull his arm a little harder, trying your best to get Amane to move without hurting him. He still didn't budge. You looked at him, starting to get annoyed. "They aren't going to heal if you don't do anything about it."

"I promise you it's fine," Amane continued to protest, his auburn eyes glancing up at you. Your brows furrowed. "Why do you pretend? You're obviously hurt, yet you put it off as nothing," You said, Moving and taking hold of Amane's shoulders, making him fully parallel to you. Amane looked up at you. "What's there to worry about? It's just a couple bruises, no big deal. I really don't mind it," He responded, tilting his head up to meet your concerned gaze, smiling slightly. You couldn't understand how he could treat this like nothing.

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