Nene, Aoi, And Sumire (Edited)

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"Long ago, before I was born, there's been a hole in this village, one that connects to the far shore. From time to time, hungry monsters would emerge out of the hole and devour the villagers. Eventually, casting a girl into the hole like bait became necessary. It was unfortunate. But when they did, the monsters would not come for years, and the villagers could live free from fear. All those poor girls were told that they were crossing over to a paradise of the Gods and Buddhas. That they would be granted eternal happiness by those Gods and Buddhas."

"But I know the truth. Neither the land of the Gods nor happiness lies at the bottom of that hole."


Nene was frozen in M/n's deep embrace, taking a few moments to catch up that it was M/n, and Hanako stood in front of her protectively. "Sorry we took so long," M/n whispered to her, so quietly as if he were talking to himself and didn't want anyone to hear his conversation. His arms tightened around her and Nene finally realized, this was truly M/n! And there was Hanako! Tears struck Nene's eyes and she lifted her weak, scared, arms and wrapped them around M/n, holding him just as tightly as he held her. "You're here!" Nene said with overwhelming gratitude. She didn't think she'd ever felt so relieved and happy ever in her life as much as now. She let her tears cascade down her cheeks, staining M/n's girlish clothing. Once she let go of M/n, Nene finally got a good look at her friend.

". . .What are you wearing?" She asked, observing the feminine clothing that M/n wore. M/n's face visibly reddened, "That doesn't matter." He brushed it off, his hands finding themselves on Nene's shoulders, "But are you okay?" He asked. Nene nodded, "Now that you and Hanako are here," She said with a small smile.

"They're not from the village!"

"Who are you!?" The village people shouted, their weapons now pointed dead at Hanako, who still stood his ground in front of M/n and Nene. Nene watched as Hanako threw something at the village people, was that a mask? It looked like one the villagers were wearing. Nene suddenly realized that M/n was also holding one, a feminine-looking one, so he tossed it to the side. The mask that Hanako threw hit one of the men right smack in the center of his face. He made a noise of distress and staggered back a bit. The masks must've been heavy to make him fall back that much.

Hanako took a step backward, closer to Nene and M/n. Nene gripped onto M/n's arm, fearful. "Sorry, but the wedding's off!" Hanako stated joyfully, "No way in hell am I going to allow my assistant to get married to a guy I've never met." He declared. The villagers stalked closer and closer, their weapons never backing down. Nene saw that Hanako didn't have his knife with him, why was that? He always had it on him, always had it out when something bad was happening. What happened while she was sleeping soundly? She clung closer to M/n as they all started moving backward, closer to the cliff.

It was only until there was a black, tar-like substance that started emerging and spilling over the villagers, making their way closer and closer. Nene shrieked. "Wh-What is that!?" She said, looking back and forth between the inky blackness and M/n, who didn't have an answer for her, only a confused glance.

The villagers started screeching and shouting in terror as they were swallowed by the blackness. "It's the Gods' wrath!"

"Please! Please forgive us!"

"Let us finish the ceremony!" They wailed, and all Nene could do was watch in horror, moving back, now desperately wanting to get away from the ooze over the angry village people.

"This is all your fault!" A villager shouted, a man. He emerged from the inkyness, crawling to Nene with a spear in his hand. She was afraid, ready to shriek in terror as the man kept stalking forward. Fearful as well, M/n stood in front of her protectively. Although he was scared, he couldn't let Nene get hurt! Hanako was thinking the same thing and stepped in front of M/n. The approaching man raised his spear. "If it weren't for you!" He shouted, his voice rasping. He staggered, Nene looked up at the man.

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