Yugi Amane: Hanako-san Of The Girl's Bathroom (Edited)

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"What have you done, Yugi Amane?"

* Brief mentions of Suicide And killing


"This is getting out of hand." Mr. Tsuchigomori stated, taking a puff out of his pipe, smoke filling his lungs, then emitting out into the room of seven people. A girl with blond hair and glasses nodded her head. "I agree, we need to do something about this," She said, mindlessly drawing something in her sketchbook that had every page filled with something artistic. Yako sat on the big round table, scratching the back of her ear. "Well, he is Hanako's brother. So, what should we do about it, Number Seven?" The fox asked, sass evident in her voice as she glanced in Wonder Number Seven's way.

The attention was quickly turned onto the small boy, a hat placed gingerly atop his head. He thought for a moment before speaking. "I. . .I don't know what to do," He said honestly, lacing his fingers together and placing his hands on top of the table, looking down. But not in shame, his facial expressions were nonexistent. The room became silent.

He didn't know?

That isn't helpful at all!

"What do you mean you don't know what to do? Number Three has been murdered and taken over by some pink brat! And it's your brother who's responsible for it! By now he and along with pinky should be exorcized-" Yako blew up at Hanako, shouting and visibly angered. But she was cut off by Hanako's own yells.

"We are not exorcizing him! Or Mitsuba," He said sternly, his hands tightening around each other. His blank stare was replaced with a hard glare towards Yako, who was severely taken aback. Every other apparition was also evidently surprised in Number Seven's breakdown. Number Seven never yells like that.

Hanako sighed. "I see Number One isn't here, same with Number Three. . " He mentioned, observing the round table. Yako scoffed. "Well, of course Number Three isn't here, and Number One never shows up. We all know this." She spoke as if she were the person of power in this situation.

"That's quite enough, Number Two," Number Six scolded, crossing his arms and removing his skull-like mask, placing it on the table in front of himself. "But she isn't wrong. Firstly, we need them to show up. And secondly, we need a plan on dealing with this problem. If we aren't exorcizing Number Three or Number Seven's kin, what are we going to do?" He said with a straight face. That's how Number Six always was, so no one questioned it.

"I propose we all obtain assistance," Hanako suggested, fixing his hat. Yako grimaced. "Excuse me!?" She exclaimed, her cheeks flaring.

"But what about my art time?" Number Four complained.

"With me looking like this, I don't think I'm a very approachable apparition, unlike all of you." Number Six explained calmly.

"I don't have time for a lousy assistant," Number Five said, pushing his glasses up in pettiness.

"Yako, deal with it. Shijima, make time for art, along with an assistant. Shinigami, just try and find someone who'll be your assistant. And Mr. Tsuchigomori, you do have time for one," Hanako said bluntly, addressing everyone's useless complaints. "If we have more access to humans who are involved-other than Nene and M/n-it would make this situation a lot more ideal, we'd find a way to eradicate the problem, without causing injury to anyone." Hanako explained professionally, the complete opposite from his usual self. The rest of the apparitions thought about what Hanako was putting out. Well, they had no choice whether they thought about it or not. Whatever Number Seven says, goes.

Hanako was, in fact, right about this. The more access to the humans they had, the easier this problem would be to get rid of. Plus, with assistant's, work could help to be finished quickly. There were only two cons to this.

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