Donuts For A Murderer (Edited)

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Sweets are delicious. . until they're gone


It was the end of a very long day, and you, Nene, and Kou walked into the familiar girls bathroom, immediately grabbing supplies and cleaning. Nene mopped the floors, Kou wiped down the toilets and stalls, and you cleaned the mirrors and sinks. It was the day after the Four O'clock Library situation, and you've quickly noticed how Nene's been acting differently, especially around you. She's been subtly avoiding you. She'd talk to you, sure, but she's been a tad distant lately, it was unlike her. You didn't want to pry about it, but what happened between the times they got seperated, and when they met back up in the infirmary?

Hanako seemed to notice Nene's change in actions, but unlike you, was willing to bring light to the situation. "Yashiro," Hanako called, getting the girl's attention. She hummed, not looking over to Hanako, staring at the floor, continuing her mopping.

"Why have you been acting weird lately?" The apparition asked, crossing one leg over the other, tilting his head to the side. Nene brought her head up, looking somewhat confused. You looked back and forth between Hanako and Nene, curious.

". . .I don't feel any different. ." Nene responded confusingly, going back to her cleaning duties, facing away from Hanako.

"Are you sure? Your reactions are really out of character. . . You don't grumble or complain about cleaning anymore," Hanako stated, floating over to Nene, poking the side of her face.

"Isn't that better for you?" Nene asked, tilting her chin up snarkily away from Hanako. The boy grumbled. "No! You made me laugh." Hanako whined.

You put down your cleaning supplies, deciding to finally confront her."I'm gonna have to agree with Hanako on this one, Nene. You've been acting a little weird lately. I've noticed you've started avoiding me a little. Did I do something wrong or. .?" You asked, leaning against one of the sinks cemented to the wall behind you. Before Nene could respond, Hanako grabbed her face, turning it so she was looking at Hanako, "Exactly! You don't even look at me anymore!" Hanako said, Nene looked surprised by the sudden grab at her face.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! I'm looking at you! I'm looking now!" Nene complained, dropping the mop, it clattered to the floor.

"Hey! Hands off!" Kou shouted, poking Hanako harshly in the side with his spirit-killing weapon.

"Your hands are so cold!" Nene cried. Hanako complied, letting go of Nene's face. Kou stopped stabbing at him.

"Alright, I think it's time for us to go home," You stated, putting away your cleaning supplies and grabbing your books and binder, defusing the situation even more.

"Already?" Hanako wined, floating over to you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders. "Don't go! It's too early!" Hanako said, tightening his grip. You watched as Nene and Kou grabbed their items, and left the bathroom. . .Without you.

"Hey! Wait! Don't just leave me here!" You shouted, but Nene and Kou looked at you with a sorry expression, one that was fake. You gave them a death stare as they waved as they left the bathroom, leaving you stuck with Hanako, who was currently clinging onto you for dear life.

"Hanako. . .could you please let go of me. . .?" You asked as politely as possible, but Hanako shook his head. You sighed, knowing you weren't going to get out of this situation any time soon. . .

(Nene's P.O.V)

They're both right, Hanako and M/n. I have been avoiding them. It's just. . .After seeing their past, I can't look at them the same, especially M/n. I can't look either of them in the eye now, I don't know why, It's just. . .weird now. I don't know how to explain it. I just have so many questions, for both Hanako and M/n, ones I didn't think I'd ever have to ask.

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