God Of Death (Edited)

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"Have you heard this story? The one about the God Of Death."


Hanako opened his eyes, it was so abrupt and immediate that he had to recover from the suddenness of the movement. He was sleeping peacefully, and now he knew something was wrong. Hanako had a feeling that it was Nene that caused him to feel something wrong. What did she get herself into again? Hanako had to figure it out and get her out of whatever trouble she found herself in. But first, he had to somehow get out of M/n sleepy, but strong grasp.


Akane punched the wall, the barrier crumbling where he had struck it. The unanticipated noise startled Nene, and she jumped, looking at Akane, who seemed just about ready to kill anyone that messed with him, or even spoke to him for that matter.

"Akane. . .'' Nene mumbled, it was quiet but loud enough for The latter to hear her. He bowed his head, looking at nothing but the tiled floor. The hand that wasn't plunged into the wall tightened into a fist, knuckles turning white from the force.

"What the hell does that supernatural want with her?" It sounded more like a demand over a question. Nene didn't respond, didn't let a peep out, silently watching Akane, how would she be able to respond to him anyway? And to be honest, she was a little afraid of her classmate, for she had no idea what he might do to get Aoi back. And all though she was frightened, Nene would have Akane's back the whole time, no way in hell would she allow some stupid apparition to take her friend!


"As the seven school mysteries, we serve as proxies for the Gods. And it is our responsibility to guard the boundaries between the nearshore and the far–and in your defiance of your sworn duty, supernaturals are crossing over the boundaries in droves. This situation is threatening to become rather serious."

Hanako was able to release himself from M/n, but the minute he walked out of the bathroom to find Nene, he was grabbed and brought to an all-familiar room. In the center, Wonder Number One stood, his cane in front of him, looking menacingly, but the fear factor the elder was going for did not affect Hanako. There was a little girl, holding a plush of a bunny, standing next to the old man, the second out of three of the Clock Keepers. The third one was missing, Hanako wondered where they went. . .

"Honorable Number Seven. As the school mystery Number One, I have merely watched until this point. But now I will not countenance your plan to continue destroying Yorishiros. I cannot believe that you are that ignorant of the purpose they serve." The older man lectured, not once moving his glare away from Hanako. Hanako wasn't fazed by how harsh the man was talking. The elder continued, "You Know Urabon is nearly upon us. And yet, nearly half of the Seven Mysteries have been removed from their seats. The school will be overrun with supernaturals. That is inevitable." The man stepped closer to Hanako, the smaller boy could see his reflection in the glasses placed over the elder's head. His glasses weren't designed for seeing, it was more of a fashion sense.

"Now then, honorable Number Seven. Just what do you intend to do about this situation?" Number One said, stopping just in front of Hanako, looking down menacingly. Hanako let out a low chuckle, looking up and locking Number One's eyes behind the goggles.

"You're such a worrywart Number One. Of course, I understand what it means to destroy a Yorishiro. And I am fully fulfilling my duties as Wonder Number Seven. Besides, what's the problem? Let there be a little supernatural infestation in the school. Even God would forgive that much." Hanako was confident in his claims. Hanako spun around, his back now facing the elder, "And besides! We have Number Six to take care of Urabon!" The old man listened to the younger one, he rubbed his chin, "Number Six eh?. . ."

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