Chapter 36

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Avneet woke up with heavy heart and weird feeling.

It was silent...  It was horrifying! Too weird.

"Mom" she shouted... No one replied.

She got out of room to check on everything...

Her whole body froze, she felt numb, tears started falling out... She couldn't process anything for a second. Maybe it was a dream!! A bad dream right??!!!

"Mom!!!!" She screamed on top of top of her lungs... "Dad", "Jai"...!!! She ran towards her parents lying on floor badly injured, covered with blood.

"Wh...who di...did this...?!!!" She ran to unconscious body of her father and started shaking it... "Dad... Please... please open your eyes... Please... Mom... Jai... Please... Phone... 911... Where... Is my phone.. mom... Dad... I will be back.... please wait okay... Please be safe... Please nothing... Nothing will happen...." She herself didn't know what to do or say.

Her body wasn't responding, her mind wasn't working... She just wanted her family to be safe... Then how??

She ran towards her room to grab her phone... Before she goes in she felt a strong pair of hands strangling her... The pressure on her neck was too strong, she was choking. She tried to kick the person, tried to make him loose the grip, She tried to struggle and run but she couldn't. She was weak and the person was too strong. She felt airy and dizzy... She couldn't keep her eyes open. Everything was black.

'please... Don't... Plssss" Everything went blank. She could only say few words while coughing loudly. She saw glimpse or her unconscious or maybe already dead family because closing her eyes as tears fell down them.

" stop... Please don't... Please let them go... Mom... Dad... Jai.. please... Leave them... Alone..." She kept mumbling still unconscious.

Her face looked pale, eyes puffed and sweat was visible on her forehead. She was dreaming something very bad.

"She is gaining consciousness... Doctor..." Siddharth called the doctor as soon as he heard Avneet.

Doctor rushed in and checked on her.

"She is fine now Mr. Nigam. She will be completely conscious in few minutes. Please take care of her, she is very stressed already, please handle her gently. You have to tell her about you know... Just be strong." Doctor told Siddharth.

"Noooooooo...." Avneet woke up screaming loudly... Siddharth rushed towards her and sat next to her... She was scared and shaking badly.

"Avi... Are you ok? Here drink some water first..." Siddharth said giving her glass of water.

It took her moment to realise where she was... She was at his house, in his room!
What happened? What was she doing there? Where are her parents? Her brother? She couldn't process anything!

"You... You did... Did that! You.... How dare... You???!!!!" She asked Siddharth... "I need to see mom-dad and Jai... Where are they? Ughh let me fucking go..."

"Avi... Please... Calm... Calm down first okay!" Siddharth tried to calm down Avneet. He didn't let her get up from bed.

"I said leave me alone... I need to see my family... Where are they?!" She shouted. She was desperate and concerned... Very bad thoughts were running in her mind and she was feeling very restless.

"They are injured, I need to see them... They need me... Please... Let me go I beg you okay... Just let me go for while... I will do anything.... But please let me save them... Siddharth they are my family... Please... If something happened to them... I won't be able to survive... Siddharth please... I know you want revenge... You want to hurt me... But please they didn't do any wrong!! Please... Just once let me see them... At least tell me that are okay...

Please... See I am fine but I saw... They all were very injured... I saw blood... Everywhere... Mom... Dad... Jai... Everyone was covered in blood.... I...I couldn't do anything... Please... Let me see them... Siddharth... You know right... I love my... My family much... Please Sid... I will... Do anything... I will be... Your slave... Slut... Bitch... Anything...please... Just... Just let... Let... Me..."

She was breathing heavily... Her condition was worsening. Tears flowing out of her already puffed eyes... She kept begging Sidd to let her meet her family once. She clutched his collar and pulled him closer... Hit his chest... She was going crazy and out of control... She was not in her own control... She couldn't feel anything but very restless. Her body was already weak and now that mental pain!

That image of everyone covered in blood... Her mother's eyes half open but still unconscious begging to save them... Her father and brother completely unconscious... And she couldn't do anything!

"Sid... Please...." She couldn't say any further and everything went blank again!

Siddharth didn't say a word entire time! He was in shock... He didn't know how to handle her... How to tell her the news which he himself couldn't process yet!

He was numb, in shock... Avneet fell unconscious in her arms... He just embraced her petite body and hugged her tightly. She fit in his arms so well like she belonged there. He kissed her forehead.

"I am sorry baby... I shouldn't have done that! It's all my fault... I am so sorry..."

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