Chapter 37

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"Siddharth How is she doing now?" His mom asked. She sounded concerned.

"Mom I don't know... She gained consciousness and then fainted again... Doctor said she is very weak and to not to give her stress... But we have to tell her mom!" Siddharth said... His voice sounded like he was almost crying.

"How is everything there!?" He asked composing himself. He was on call with his mom who was in hospital.

"I am taking care of Reem as you said. But she has been crying so much... But don't worry I will take care of her." His mother reassured.

"Mom can you come back home!! I don't think I will be able to tell Avneet... Can you please tell her instead." Siddharth asked. He knew he himself was devastated, it would be so hard to handle Avneet once she gets to know... Maybe mom will be able to handle her, he thought.

"No Sid, you have to do it by yourself, I am needed here. And Avneet is your wife, she deserves to know it from you... You will be able to handle her better. She will need you more than anyone else." His mother stated.

Little did his mother know how there relationship was...

"And Siddharth you have to hurry... We don't have much time. We just can't leave body like that. We have to perform last rites." His mother said.

He felt his throat getting sore... Realisation hit him more... He didn't have time, He just had to tell her sooner.
"Ok mom.. take care." He said and cut the call.

"Doctor... How long will it take for her to gain consciousness? We don't have much time..." Siddharth asked the doctor. He looked so emotionless.

"Mr. Nigam we can bring her consciousness... But it's better to let her rest for while. You saw how was her condition..." Doctor said politely.

"Yes I understand doctor, but we don't have fucking time. It's already been while..." He said trying his best to compose himself.

"Oh ok Mr. Nigam. Then I will give her injection, she will gain consciousness in few minutes." He said and Siddharth nodded.

He sat beside Avneet caressing her messy hair as Doctor gave her injection.

"You can go and wait outside Doctor, I will take care of her." He said.

"But Mr. Nigam..." Doctor tried to say something but Sid was losing patience already. His glare made doctor gulp in fear.

Doctor already knew how dangerous Siddharth was, and he was just being patient right now.

"Guide him out." Siddharth asked one of his men.

Doctor and all of his guards were sent out leaving Siddharth and Avneet alone in room.

Siddharth kept staring at unconscious Avneet without any emotions. It felt like he didn't feel anything...

But from inside he was exploding... He himself didn't know when his other self will flip back and hurt anyone. The pain was killing him.

Just then one maid knocked the door, she came to give the freshly made juice as Siddharth ordered. He signalled her to put it on table. She left after doing so.

After few minutes Siddharth felt Avneet moving a little. He composed himself again.

She slowly opened her eyes, it was painful... "Sid... Siddharth..." She muttered as soon as she saw him through her blurry vision.

It didn't take her long to realise what had happened as memories kept rushing in and her breathing got faster.

"Mom... Dad... Jai... Where are they?!" She asked in broken voice... She was much calmer than first time... Maybe because she was very weak and had no energy left. It broke his heart to see her in that condition.

He hold her hand and helped her sit supporting back with pillows.

"Please... Take me to see them... Please..." She begged again.

"Avneet... Calm down first okay. I will take you to them okay! First drink this okay!" Siddharth said calmly.

"Please... Siddharth I need to see them... I need to know they are fine... Please... I won't be able to eat anything till then." She asked desperately, her eyes were tearing up again... She put her other hand on his hand which was holding her hand.

She had accepted defeat... She somewhere in her heart already knew something was wrong, she could feel from the way he was behaving... She was trying to accept the truth. But her heart wasn't ready to let go.

"Avneet..." His voice sounded stern and dark... "I am really not in mood right now... You better drink this or I am gulping this down your throat by myself." He said looking straight in her eyes.

She took juice from him with her shaky hands and gulped it down slowly.

"Now please... Take me to see my family... Please." She begged again.

Siddharth took a deep breath... He knew it was time to tell her.

"Avneet,  listen to me first okay!" He said.

Her eyes started filling with tears. She already knew what he was going to say and she didn't want to hear it.

"Mom... Dad... Jai they are okay right?" She asked in low broken voice.

"Avi... Mom and Jai are both out of danger, they are admitted in hospital. They haven't got consciousness yet." He said.

Avneet just wanted to hear that. She felt like she can finally actually breathe... She felt relieved. She got so happy and excited that she hugged Siddharth tightly.

Siddharth didn't know how to react... He just put his hand on her back and sighed.

"Thank... Thank God mom and Jai are fine... And dad... Wait..." Realization hit her. He didn't say anything about her dad.

She parted herself from him and looked in his eyes with her blurry ones..

"Siddharth... Dad... What happened to my dad... He is fine right... Tell me!" She shouted Last part as she grabbed his collar pulling him closer.

"I... I am sorry baby..." He could only say those words as tears he was trying to hold back from long time started flowing.

"What... What do you mean!?" She asked.

"He was fine... He was out of danger, He even got his consciousness back, but suddenly he started breathing heavily and his condition worsened... And... And we... Couldn't save him."

"No... No... You are lying... No I know my dad is fine... He is alive... I know... Nothing can happen... Nothing can happen to him..." She started breathing heavily... Siddharth pulled her in hug and started caressing her hair as she cried hard in his embrace.

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