Character Info

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Name: Celeste

Nicknames: Mother, Britannia's Angel, Cece

Age: 3000+

Race: Goddess


Goddess Clan

Five Archangels

Stigma (former)

Seven Deadly Sins

Boar Hat


Magical Abilities:

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Magical Abilities:






Breath of Bless


Magic Detection

Luminous Nova Burst- The user can gather ambient light and magic energy from their surroundings to create a devastating explosion of radiant energy. This burst not only inflicts damage on enemies but can also purify curses and heal allies within its radius.

Celestial Beacon- The user can summon a brilliant, floating orb of light and magic that hovers above them. The orb emits a soothing aura that enhances the abilities of allies, granting them increased strength, agility, and magic potency while providing a guiding light in dark places.

Prismatic Manipulation- This power enables the user to control and shape light and magic into tangible constructs. They can create weapons, shields, or even intricate illusions to deceive and disorient foes.

Solar Flare Burst: The ability to summon and control bursts of solar flares. These intense bursts of energy could be directed towards enemies for offensive purposes or harnessed for empowering the user.

Solar Infusion- The user can channel the power of the sun into their body, granting them heightened physical and magical abilities. During daylight hours, their strength and magic potency increase significantly, but this ability wanes at night.

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