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"Oh thank goodness!" A voice cheers from behind them and they turn to see the imps. "Finally, can live in peace again." Another imp says. "For years she's been threatening saying she'd make us all pay if we didn't give her shelter." The third imp confesses and it along with another imp begins laughing. "They could be free now, so beautiful," Hawk says, the sound of a crow causes everything to go quiet. "What was that?" Elizabeth asks. "This is strange. I thought there weren't any animals left who lived in this part of the forest." Diane shares as they look around. "Smells like it's gonna rain. Wait look at that!" Hawk shouts referring to the thunderclouds in the sky. "What's going on?" The pig asks. "Thunderclouds?" Elizabeth questions. Lightning suddenly strikes Meliodas restraining him with electric bindings. "Uh, what's up with this?" The blonde asks looking down at the restraints. "Meliodas?" Celeste questions and she along with Diane, Elizabeth, and Hawk were restrained with electric bindings keeping their hands at their sides and the feet together. 

"My body's gone completely numb." Elizabeth shares. "I can't move at all," Hawk adds and the imps groan. The sound of footsteps causes everyone to turn in its direction. "And you are?" Meliodas asks and Celeste's eyes widen knowing exactly who that is. "It would seem we meet, at last, you deadly sins." The person says walking up to them."His power," Diane says leaning closer to Meliodas. "Yeah, there's no doubt about it. Holy Knight, aren't you?" Meliodas asks. "Gilthunder." Elizabeth mumbles. "Gilthunder is that you?" Elizabeth asks. "What are you up to? Why are you doing this?" Elizabeth asks him. "You know this guy?" Meliodas asks turning to her. "He's Zaratras' son, he always hung out with Princess Margaret," Celeste explains from Meliodas' other side. "The son Zaratras, huh?" Meliodas asks. "Hey, wait a minute. Are you little Gil?" Meliodas asks remembering the boy. "What? You know him too?" Elizabeth asks. "Sure! I even gave him lessons occasionally when I'd find myself at the Royal Palace." Meliodas tells Elizabeth. "Wow, you've really grown up. Then again it has been ten years since I've seen you." Meliodas says turning to look at Gilthunder.

"If you have the time to prattle on in this matter, it might be better spent trying to escape those bonds. "Hey, this lighting's familiar." Hawk points out. "I know what you mean. When a certain someone blocked up Vanya's water supply and then tried to blow the village away. That was you wasn't it?" Meliodas asks. "Sir Meliodas, that can't be! You're wrong! Gilthunder wouldn't..." Elizabeth tries to defend the boy but stops, seeing the look on his face. "No." She gasps taking a step back. "These can't hold me!" Diane grunts trying to get out of the bonds. "That's useless." Gilthunder tells her and the bonds become tighter. "Diane, just save it, don't bother." Meliodas tells her. "Captain." She whimpers. "Do you know why the Holy Knights are after the heads of the Seven Deadly Sins?" Gilthunder asks, appearing behind Meliodas with his sword to his  neck. 

"Not really," Meliodas replies. "Half of them are seeking revenge and total eradication of the rebel order that plotted to overthrow the kingdom. The other half wants to do a glorious battle and vanquish the legendary warriors to prove their own strength." Gilthunder explains. "And which half are you in?" Meliodas asks. "Both of them. No, I want more." Gilthunder replies. "Is that so?" Meliodas asks. "Yes, to avenge the death of my father Zaratras, Holy Knight's grandmaster, and to show that I am even greater than he, the most powerful Holy Knight ever known. Killing you will prove that." Gilthunder claims. "So, you're under the impression that I'm the one who murdered your father, is that it?" Meliodas inquires. "Are you saying you're not?" Gil counters. "No idea. See the thing is I don't actually remember very much from back then." Meliodas shares. "Captain?" Diane questions. "Sir Meliodas," Elizabeth says. "The last thing I remember is all of us being summoned to the old castle out on the edge of town." Meliodas looks down recounting what happened that day. 

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