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Meliodas, Celeste, Elizabeth, and Gilthunder walked through the town in search of Hawk. "Hey, where are you?" Elizabeth calls. "Hey, Hawk!" Meliodas calls out. "Pork! You there?" Gilthunder calls Hawk by the wrong name. "His name's Hawk, Gilthunder." Elizabeth corrects him. "Pork, where are you?!" Gilthunder ignores her. Meliodas checks the garbage bins but finds nothing. "Hmm. Not in here." He says. "Where could he have gone?" Celeste wonders, looking around worried. "Well, don't forget. He's tiny now, so he couldn't have gotten very far." Meliodas reassures her. "Hey, if we dig through enough leftovers, we'll find him before you know it." He suggests and walks away. "Never fear. I'll locate that pig before anyone else." Gilthunder claims. Meliodas and Celeste walk side by side while Gilthunder and Elizabeth hang back to talk. Celeste hums and looks around. "So, you gonna move back into the tavern?" Meliodas asks, holding her hand and intertwining their fingers. "Why would I do that?" Celeste asks. "The tavern's not the same without you." Meliodas tells her.

 "I come there every day." She reminds him. "Yeah, but then you leave at night, and it's just not the same." Meliodas points out. "Mm-hmm." Celeste hums. "So..." Meliodas looks at her in anticipation. "How's the tavern not the same without me?" Celeste asks. "Well for one, I don't get to see that pretty face of yours when I wake up." Meliodas teases making Celeste blush and looks away. "Or that body." Meliodas gropes her breast before going under her skirt and she shrieks. "Mother, what's wrong?" Gilthunder looks in Celeste's direction but looks away blushing when he sees Meliodas under her skirt. "Little Gil, look! Behind you!" Meliodas tells the pink-haired knight. "Huh?" Gilthunder looks back and sees Hawk walking down the steps. "Meliodas, stop it." Celeste says, embarrassed. Hawk stares up at Gilthunder, who tries to grab him and dodges before running up the steps again.

 "Hah! You're too slow for me! You'll have to try harder to roast this pig!" Hawk taunts. "Hurry! Don't let him get away!" Meliodas tells Gilthunder, chasing Hawk with Celeste on his shoulder. "Right! Thunderbolt Execution!" In a flash Gilthunder appears in front of Hawk, making him squeal. "End of the road. It's checkmate, Pork." Gilthunder says. "It's not Pork! It's Hawk! Hawk!" The pig corrects him, huffing. "Take this! Super Roast..." Hawk moves side to side quickly, creating after images. "Illusion!" He rams his tiny body into Gilthuder's head and runs away. "Little Gil, what happened? What are you doing?" Meliodas asks Gilthunder, who falls to his knees with his hands on his face. "Meliodas, please put me down!" Celeste tells the blonde. "Oh, I forgot about you." Meliodas looks up at her. He puts her back on her feet, and Celeste stands beside Elizabeth with her hands holding her skirt.


It was now late, and since the two groups failed to relocate Hawk after the first encounter, they decided to regroup. "Why don't we head back to the tavern now?" Meliodas suggests. "But Hawk's still out there." Celeste tells him. "Hey, don't worry about a thing! We'll go look for him later, okay?" Meliodas assures her. "Okay." Celeste sighs. "They were like peaches." King mumbles in a daze, laying on his pillow.


Once they got back to the tavern, everyone was surprised to see Hawk eating scraps. "So yummy!" He says. "Well, hey, Captain. Late getting him, huh?" Ban asks, giving Hawk more scraps. "Hawk, you came back!" Elizabeth says, relieved. "Nothing beats the scraps Ban makes! They're amazing!" Hawk beams. Celeste clears her throat and glares at the pig. "Of course, they're not as good as yours though, Celeste!" Hawk quickly adds, before going back to eating. "So after all that running around, you came back here on your own?" Meliodas asks, with a chibi look. "You don't really think a nose like mine would miss out on this heavenly aroma, do you?" Hawk asks. "And this would mean I'm the winner of your little contest. Isn't that right?" Ban asks, with a smug look. Meliodas goes to grab Hawk but he floats away from him. "What's happening?" Hawk squeals. Celeste jumps over Meliodas and grabs Hawk.

The Captain's Second Half (Meliodas)Where stories live. Discover now