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Now that everything was over, Meliodas and Celeste decided to give Merlin a visit. "You can't find the Coffin of Eternal Darkness?" Meliodas asks. "That's right. I've used my magical powers to search far and wide, but no luck." Merlin explains. "Where could it have gone then?" Celeste wonders. "No idea. I even searched the capital, but still came up empty. However... Immediately after you defeated Hendrickson, there were reports of a strange bird-like creature flying above the area. It appeared to be heading towards the South." Merlin shares. "South, huh?" Meliodas questions, looking down in thought. "Well, no need for you to look so grim, Captain. Arthur isn't expecting me for a while." Merlin tells them. "Hmm?" Celeste looks at her. "See, the Boar Sin Merlin is going to be tagging along. If that's okay with you." Merlin asks. "You're always welcome to join us again." Celeste replies.


"Excellent food, Ban. So yummy! What is it? Who cares? Whatever it is, I can't stop eating it! I've never tasted anything like it! If I had to describe the taste, I'd call it 'scraps from the mouth of a culinary god!'" Hawk shouts, stuffing his face with scraps. "Don't talk while you eat, you might choke, especially since you're tiny." Celeste tells the pig. "Oh right." Hawk continues stuffing his face but this time he doesn't ramble on about the taste. "Hey, 'culinary guy'! I really hope you're not breaking the bank on this meal." Meliodas tells Ban. "Nah, it's all right. These leftovers were going bad anyway." Ban replies. The bell at the front door jingles, so they look at the entrance only to find Gilthunder standing there with a smile. "The rumors are true. You really are running a tavern." He says, looking around. "Gil! Welcome to the Boar Hat, have a seat anywhere you like." Celeste walks over to him and escorts him to a table. "Can't believe you have the future queen working in your bar, cap'n." Ban comments. 

"She doesn't mind." Meliodas replies, smacking Celeste's butt as he walks past her, causing her to blush. "What'll your name be 'Queen Celestel of Liones'?" Ban teases. "Don't call me Celestel." The Goddess warns. "My apologies, your Highness." Ban teases and bows. "Stop!" Celeste tells him, embarrassed. Meliodas returns with two mugs filled with ale and a bottle of Vanya ale for refills. "Here! Some famous Vanya ale!" Meliodas says. Gilthunder takes a mug and has a sip. "Not bad, huh?" Meliodas asks. "Yeah! This is really good." Gilthunder replies, truthfully. "Yup! It's like I always say, 'Nothing beats Vanya ale after a hard day's work!'" Meliodas tells him, chugging his ale. "Meliodas? Mother?" Gilthunder calls. "Hmm? What's wrong, Gil?" Celeste asks, turning to face him. "I'll be leaving the capital soon." He says. 

"Why is that?" Meliodas asks. "My intention was to fool Hendrickson and his men, but even so, I ended up hurting a lot of people. That's a wrong I can never right. But I'll travel to the other regions, find those who suffered, and try to make amends, anyway that I can." Gilthunder shares. "Okay. Sounds good to me." Meliodas tells him. "If that's what you want to do then I'm not gonna stop you." Celeste adds.


It was now nighttime, and fireworks lit up the sky as Liones celebrated its liberation. Multiple men pilled the tavern, Elizabeth, Diane, and Gowther served the men, and Celeste juggled between serving and preparing dishes along with Ban. Once everyone was served and happy Ban joined in on the fun while Celeste stood near the entrance watching with a smile.



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