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Golgius stretches his hand out for them to take. "Hey, not so fast. You're going to have to go through the Captain of the Order of Scraps Disposal first!" Hawk shouts, only to get kicked by Golgius, causing him to bounce around the room. "Hawk no!" Elizabeth cries. "Now then," Golgius says, pulling the covers off of Meliodas. "You sure you wanna do that?" Celeste asks, raising an eyebrow at him. "Seems it's become rather pointless for you to keep this sword any longer. So I shall take it with me." Golgius says, grabbing the dragon hilt, trying to pull it away from Meliodas, but he has a strong grasp on it. "Stop, what are you doing to Sir Meliodas?" Elizabeth asks as golgius final. "Golgius, back away from him now." Celeste warns, reaching for her sword. "It's mine now and you can't do anything unless you want to be considered a criminal." Golgius says, although he was scared. "I'm possible! No one can survive after that much poison." Dr. Dana says after seeing Meliodas grab his sword again. "That poison is no match for the healing magic of the Goddesses." Celeste tells him. "You're too stubborn to die I see, but you will release this sword." Golgius claims.

 "Even if I die, this sword is the one thing I'll never let go of. It's the only thing I can do, the only way I can ever atone." Meliodas says as dark magic radiates off of him. "Sir Meliodas." Elizabeth calls out to the blonde. "Hehehe! Spout all the nonsense you wish. The princess, the king's regent, and that weapon will still be mine." Golgius claims Meliodas looks at him, his eyes pitch black, and a symbol on his forehead, this scares Golgius causing him to jump out the window and run away. "He got away." Hawk points out looking out the window. "I'm sorry, but is it really you standing there?" Elizabeth asks. "It's me! Hey Elizabeth! Hey Porky! How's it been, angel?" He greets them. "Oh, thank goodness. You're back to your old self again." Elizabeth says with relief. "Except that he called me porky for some reason." Hawk says. "Hey, where are we right now?" Meliodas asks, looking around. "We're in Dalmally, it's the town right by Baste Prison." Celeste explains. "Who is that weirdo?" He asks. "A Holy Knight, who said his name was Golgius. From the looks of things, it's pretty clear he's after Elizabeth, Celeste, and that broken sword of yours. That quack over there was working with him, too." Hawk replies looking over to where the doctor was. 

"He high-tailed it, come on!" Haw shouts, running out the door. "Wait! Sir Meliodas' injuries haven't fully healed yet!" Elizabeth says, grabbing Hawk's ear. "Elizabeth, that hurts." Hawk whimpers. "Hm?" Meliodas hums removing the bandages. "Looks okay now." He says, seeing a scar. "Oh thank goodness." Celeste sighs, patting Meliodas' shoulder. "Huh? You did that, Lady Celeste?" Elizabeth asks turning to the woman. "Yes. I'm sorry I didn't do that earlier I forgot I could heal things." Celeste tells Meliodas, laying her head on his shoulder. "It's okay. Don't beat yourself up over it." Meliodas tells her rubbing her back. "All right, get dressed so we can leave." Celeste tells him.


"I narrowly escaped there. So that was Meliodas, the Dragon Sin. I chose to make my exit at precisely the right time, then." Golgius speaks walking through the streets. "Fascinating, indeed." He says. "Gotcha!" Meliodas' voice says behind him. "Impossible. How did they find me?" Golgius asks himself. "My nose can sniff out slop from a mile away, so you better not underestimate it." Hawk huffs. "Is that honestly true?" Elizabeth asks. "Yep. Disgusting, huh?" Hawk replies. "I'm gonna need you to give up the name of the person who ordered you to swipe my sword, the princess and the king's regent, otherwise I'll have to beat you black and blue." Meliodas orders. "Of course, I surrender." Golgius says putting his hands up in defeat. "Huh?" Elizabeth gasps. "To be honest, I'm much a coward by nature. Combat isn't to my liking, particularly when my adversary is the captain of the Seven Deadly Sins." Golgius shares, Celeste pulls her sword from its sheathe deflecting the blades thrown at them causing Elizabeth and Hawk to gasp seeing them. "I released those blades when I raised my hands, you were able to see me do it?" Golgius asks surprised. "Did you expect less from me, a member of the Goddess race?" Celeste asks.

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