☆Chapter Twenty Six☆

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"Haerin, wake up!" Haeyun taped her sisters face in an attempt to wake the younger up. Recieving no moment from the girl, she dragged the covers off Haerin, who still laid peacefully in her bed. Becoming in patient, Haeyun grabbed one of Haerin's ankles and harshly pulled her to the floor.

"What the hell was that for!" Haerin hissed as she sat up in pain rubbing her eyes. "It's too damn early in the morning."

"Oh, I forgot I have work experience, so get all your stuff together, and I'm driving you and your friend home, you've got five minutes to be in the car." Haeyun informed her.

"So damn annoying." Haerin mumbled under her breath.

"I heard that!" Haeyun shouted out from the corridor.

"I heard that." Haerin mimicked what her sister said before she decided to get up, brush her teeth, then head downstairs. "Oh, you're awake!" Haerin said as she saw Ni-ki sitting on the sofa staring into space.

"Yeah, I'm awake." Ni-ki nodded slowly. "Do you know what your sister seriously scares me she interrogated me this morning and last night." He told her.

"Yeah, she does that a lot when I have a new friend." Haerin laughed as she stood behind the sofa. "She calls it protecting her baby sister." Haerin mimicked her older sisters voice as she put her hand on her hip.

Ni-ki started to point behind Haerin and waved his hand in front of his neck, telling her to cut it out. "What?" Haerin questioned. Haeyun cleared her front from behind Haerin. "Oh."

"You two better get in the car." Haeyun warned them before she walked away to get her bag.

"And, that's our cue to leave." Ni-ki said.



The first week of their break had already passed, which meant the rest of the members were coming back so they could spend time together.

"I'm back!" Sunoo cheered as he entered the dorm with his mini suitcase. "Uhm, hello?" Sunoo questioned as he received no response. He left his suitcase at the front door and went around the whole house, and there was no sign of Haerin and Ni-ki.

The door opened, and Sunoo walked into the corridor to see if it was them. "Hey." Jake greeted him as he dragged his large suitcase into the door.

"Hey, have you heard from Ni-ki or Haerin by any chance?" Sunoo questioned.

"No, I don't think anyone's received calls or texts from them." Jake told him. "But Jay did say he was going to check up on them every day, though."

"So we just ask him when he comes back." Sunoo said.

The next person to arrive was Heesung, then Jungwon and lastly Sunghoon. "Okay, so I think somebody might have kidnapped them." Sunoo theorised as he and the others sat on the sofa un-bothered.

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