☆Chapter Fifty Five☆

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One Month Later:

Haerin and Ni-ki sat side by side on the sofa, Niki's left arm draped around Haerins shoulder and his right clicking away at the remote trying to find something to watch on the TV. Ni-ki glanced over at Haerin. Her head was leaning on his arm, and she was using her phone. She was probably playing one of her stupid mobile games she kept downloading.

"Rin?" Ni-ki looked at her, waiting for answer, but he received none. He kept looking at her, and he noticed peaking out her bright red hair was a wired earphone. He took the earphone out and let it drop to her shoulder.

"Yeah?" Haerin turned after feeling something drop to her shoulder. She looked at the boy who was staring blankly at her. "Do you need something?"

"We've been together for quite some time now..." He started. Haerin raised a brow at him as she started to wonder where this was going. "Don't you think it would be time for me to meet your parents? You've already met mine when we were on break last time."

"But you've already met my sister, haven't you?" Haerin questioned.

"I know, but I met her as your bandmate and friend, not your bandmate and boyfriend." He said. "Plus, I haven't met your parents yet."

"I know, but why are you asking so suddenly?" Haerin asked. "I thought this stuff comes much later in the relationship like after one year mark or something..."

"If you don't want to, you don't have to." Ni-ki told her.

"I mean, I never said no." Haerin said as she put her phone down and yanked the other ear of her earphone out. "Look, my mother's flying out today, so I guess you can meet her sometime this week."

"What about your father?" Ni-ki asked.

"He's staying back in London." Haerin informed him. "He only comes back to Korea if it's necessary." She added. "Well, if you would like to meet my mother, I guess I can arrange something."


"Where are you two going dressed all fancy?" Jay asked the two maknaes who were dressed sharply. Ni-ki in a tailored black suit, a white shirt, and a black tie. Haerin was in a black, long sleeve dress with white collars and a large bow on the front. Her red hair was no more and was no more but freshly died dark brown and cut to shoulder legnth. "It's like you guys are going to an award show as the most popular celebrity couple."

"One day that will happen." Ni-ki laughed. "But I'm going to meet Haerin's mother and sister." He told Jay.

Jay looked at Haerin. "When will we meet your family? You've already met all of ours." He questioned.

"Soon." Haerin answered. "My family isn't the easiest to get hold of." Haerin awkwardly laughed. "Anyways, the cars outside." She said.

"Wait, let me take a picture of you two." Jay said, taking out his phone from his back pocket. Haerin shook her head but still posed for the camera with Ni-ki.

After taking a few pictures like a proud mother, Jay finally said. "Have a good night, you two." He smiled. "Ni-ki don't cause trouble."

"What- why me?" He gasped. "What about her?" Ni-ki pointed at Haerin.

Haerin stuck her tongue out at Ni-ki while folding her arms. "Just don't do this." Jay told them. "Whatever that is."

A few minutes later, the two were out of the house and sitting in a black rangerover with its windows blacked out. "Shit, I forgot my mask." Ni-ki spoke as he emptied out all his pockets.

Haerin unzipped her shoulder bag and pulled out a mask and a pair of sunglasses. "Here." She handed the two to him.

"What would I do without you." Ni-ki smiled at her.

"I have no idea." Haerin sighed as she took her own pair out.

"Miss Kim, we'll be arriving in two minutes." The driver informed her, glancing at the backseat through the rear view mirror.

"Thank you." Haerin smiled at him. She put her mask on, then a pair of square sunglasses.

"Gosh, why are there so many people outside the restaurant?" Ni-ki asked. "Who are they here for?"

"My mother." Haerin sighed. Ni-ki looked at her with a confused face. "Famous model from the 2000." She mumbled quietly. "And she's an actor."

Ni-ki's mouth formed an o shape. "How come you never told me?" He asked her.

"It was never brought up, I guess." Haerin said, shrugging, trying to avoid eye contact. "Anyways, let's hurry up and get it their before we get recognised."

"We're here." The driver said as he pulled up to the back of the restaurant.

"Thank you for your services." Haerin thanked the driver.

"You're welcome, Miss Kim." He told her as he smiled.

Haerin smiled back as she picked up her shoulder bag. "Come, let's go." She said to Ni-ki.

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now