☆Chapter Seventy Two☆

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It was the 8th of May, meaning it was Haerin's birthday, so she had to do a live on that day. She sat at the desk with princess crown on her head with green and black balloons behind her.

As she was going through the comments, she heard a knock at the door. Haerin paused for a moment. "Come in!" She said as she looked at the door waiting to see who were to come in.

"Happy birthday!" Ni-ki wished her with as he came into the room with a larhe bouquet of flowers and a plushie which almost covered his face due to the size of it.

"Thank you!" Haerin said with a large smile displayed on her face, grinning from ear to ear. She hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck as she stood on her tip toes.

"No problem, Rinnie." Ni-ki smiled toothily hugging her, wrapping his arms around Haerin's waist. The two almost forgot that there was a camera right in front of them if it wasn't for a staff member who cleared her throat.

The two stopped hugging for a moment, still smiling at each other. "Here, come sit down." Haerin said as she took a chair for Ni-ki to sit down.

"Shouldn't I be the one pulling a chair out for you?" Ni-ki laughed as he sat down on the chair.

"I guess the roles are reversed today." Haerin laughed as she sat down on her own chair. "Plus, your arms are full."

"Ah yes, let me give these to you before I forget." Ni-ki remembered seeing the two items still in his hands. Ni-ki handed over the large Kuromi plushie to Haerin.

"H-how did you know." Haerin asked as she stared at the plushie in her hands, which was half the size of her.

"I figured." Ni-ki chuckled. "You were so determined on getting that kuromi plushie, so I figured that you liked it." Then he remembered he had one last thing in his hand. "Here." He handed her the bouquet of roses.

Haerin looked at the roses. It was a mixture between black and green roses, all of them covered in glitter. It was around two years ago on this day that they had their first date, and that was the only time she told him that black and green were her favourite colours. She was surprised that he remembered this from such a long time ago, so surprised that she was brought to tears.

Tears threatened to spill as she looked upwards, trying to stop them from falling. "Are you crying?" Ni-ki asked as he looked at the girl shoked.

"No, I'm not." Haerin denied. "It's just dusty in here." She made up an excuse, still looking up into the air.

He smiled. "Come here." Ni-ki gestured to Haerin for a hug. Haerin didn't waste no time she scooted her chair closer to him and placed both items on the desk before leaning into the hug.

"Thank you." Haerin whispered as the tears finally fell onto her face, the warm liquid running down her cheeks.

"No problem, Rinnie." Ni-ki hummed as he hid her face from the camera with one hand and wiped the tears from her face using his thumb on his other hand.


It was the evening of that same day, and after gaining permission from Jay after a lot of pleading, the two were finally allowed out. When they agreed that Sunoo could tag along. "Ugh, now I'm officially a third wheeler." Sunoo complained under his breath as he walked behind the two seventeen year olds, who were holding hands. "And they even forgot about me too."

"Don't worry, Sunoo, we haven't forgotten about you." Haerin turned around to face the boy after hearing all of his complaints. "Now come here." Haerin gestured for him to walk next to her. Once Sunoo started to walk next to her Haerin linked arms with him.

"I still really don't know why I had to come." Sunoo sighed.

"Because the last time we went out together, we never came back till the early hours of the morning." Ni-ki reminded him.

"Well, that's not my fault, is it." Sunoo scoffed.

"Stop being so grumpy, I'll get you mint choco if you smile." Haerin offered, and suddenly Sunoo's face lit up, and he was smiling brightly. "I guess we're going to the ice cream store then."

After a short while of walking, the trio arrived at Baskin Robins. "You two can pick whatever you want it's on me?" Haerin told the two boys.

"You sure?" Ni-ki asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." Haerin nodded. After a while of trying to make up their minds, the three went up to the cashier. "Can we have one blue raspberry sherbet one mint chocolate and one bubblegum, please?" Haerin requested as she ordered for the group.

The cashier nodded and got all that they needed to scoop the servings. "That will be 15,000 won." The cashier said. "Cash or card."

"Card, please." Once Haerin paid, they all left the store ice creams in hand. "So where are we gonna go next?" She asked as they walked down the road.

"How about we go to the park or something?" Sunoo suggested. "We can watch the sunset too." He added.

"Good idea." Ni-ki agreed, and Haerin agreed as well, giving him a nod.

After a short while of walking, they arrived at the park. They found a place in the grass to sit amongst a bunch of the other visitors, all here to watch the sunset. The three watched the sunset in awe, neither of them able to take their eyes off the array of beautiful colours mixed in the sky. Slowly, the sun finally set, and the moon fell open them highlighting their surroundings. "Hey, you two, I'm going to go to the toilet." Sunoo told them before he got up from the grass and started to make his way there.

"I never I got to ask you why did you cry earlier?" Ni-ki asked Haerin, who laid on the grass peacefully as the moonlight highlighted the features on her face delicately.

"I was surprised." Haerin said, still looking up at the sky. "I only ever told you my favourite colours on our first date, which was two years ago. I was surprised that you remembered it for so long that I cried." Haerin cracked a smile. "I know it's a silly reason."

"I don't believe so." Ni-ki disagreed as he shook his head, looking down at the girl that laid beside her.

Haerin glanced over at him and smiled. "Whatever you say then." She said as she sat up.

"Oh, I forgot one last thing." Ni-ki reminded himself as Haerin looked at him confused. He placed his hand on the side of Haerin's face using his thumb to graze her cheek. It was as if on instinct as they leaned into each other, their lips meeting in the middle as they gently moved against each other. They weren't going too quickly nor too slowly but at the perfect pace.  Ni-ki slowly broke the kiss. "Happy birthday." He whispered to Haerin, whose face was starting to burn up, red stinging her cheeks.

"Thank you." Haerin whispered back in his ear once she came back to her senses. She hugged him, placing her hands around his torso and her chin on his shoulder, and Ni-ki did the same, and they stayed like that for a while.

"Now I finally know what Sunghoon means by you guys make him feel ill." Sunoo grimaced as he interrupted the two who seemed startled by his presence as they both looked at him with wide eyes. "Come on, let's go. Jay hyung is calling." The two reluctantly broke apart from each other, and they got up from the grass. "Why are you so red." Sunoo questioned Haerin, who looked like a literal tomato.

"No, I'm not." Haerin denied shaking her head as she avoided eye contact. "Come on, didn't you say that Jay said we should go home." She said, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I did." Sunoo nodded, forgetting about what he has said just moments before. "Let's go then."

☆𝔼ℕℍ𝕐ℙ𝔼ℕ 𝔸𝔻𝔻𝔼𝔻 𝕄𝔼𝕄𝔹𝔼ℝ☆Where stories live. Discover now