🦋𝐴 𝑁𝑒𝑤 𝐹𝑎𝑚𝑖𝑙𝑦🦋

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One afternoon in spring Richard had just come to the conclusion which had many thoughtful processes prior and he had been waiting for just the very suitable opportunity which would house the needed atmosphere. It was soon after three in the afternoon, Richard and Ella were seated together close to the fireplace. He finished his tea and ate fresh pastries while his daughter had been rereading one of their favourite stories to him, it did not matter that this was the fourth time. It was time spent together, and this was time he could never bring himself to lose. So Ella continued, "With the Gardiners, they were always on the most intimate terms. Romeo, as well as Odette, really loved them; and they were both ever sensible of the warmest gratitude towards the persons who, by bringing her into Derbyshire, had been the means of uniting them..."  

"And that's the end for Miss Austen today, oh how I do love a happy ending!" Ella ended off with as she gently closed the book, and placed it on the nearby coffee table to her right. "Yes indeed, those are quite my favourite," Richard responded with a laugh and smile. Soon after he looked at her blankly, lowered his gaze and directed it towards her once more. He broke the silence by expressing that it was probably perhaps time to begin a new chapter in their life..."Indeed father," Ella responded while engaging with a curious look in her eyes. He asked if she had recalled that some time ago in his travels he met the acquaintance of a man known as Sir Francis Tremaine. "Yes, the master of the mercy guild." She said, Richard then revealed that the man had unfortunately passed and alas left his wife widowed alone with their children who were around Ella's age. He then went on to describe her as being an honourable woman, who found herself alone with her two daughters. "Although she was still in the prime of her life-" and it was at this moment that Richard had silenced due to his worrying nervousness. Ella assured him that he needn't worry about telling her something if it were to lead to his happiness. Richard smiled and repeated her words with a question, "Yes...happiness. Do you think, I may be allowed one last chance? Even though I thought such things were done only for good." Ella let out a laugh happily and replied instantly with great excitement, "Of course I do Father!" She left her seat to embrace him since she was only more than happy to see him smile and be joyful once more. He went on to tell Ella that the woman he would marry would only merely be her stepmother and she would also be accompanied by two lovely sisters to keep herself company as well which would bode well while he was away on his work endeavours, so he thought.

Some time had passed and the arrival of the late Sir Francis Tremaine's family had arrived to the family manor. As the carriage came through the garden entrance towards the fountain Mr. Goose had found himself right in front of it and he had been chased around before the carriage came to its stop which was right at the main doors. Ella saw that her new family was soon to arrive so she quickly made her way to the doors and joined her father by the house entrance so that she may greet her quests with a great welcome, Ellawas both nervous and excited but she remembered just how much this meant to him so she tried her best to join him. While still having not left the carriage, the two daughters had peered through the windows and didn't spare any effort to insult their new step-sister, Ella, although they had not even met just yet they did not care at all. "Welcome ladies, welcome." Richard joyfully shouted as he approached the carriage door. He reached out his hand to the girls to help them out as a gentleman would do, Drizella had come out of the carriage first holding onto Richard's hand then followed by her sister Anastasia who had just rushed forward ignoring him completely. Anastasia and Drizella then neared Ella so that they could speak with one another, "You have such pretty hair." Anastasia said kindly, Anastasia and her sister suggested that Ella consider having it styled the way they do as they believed that it was what many of the other maidens throughout France were doing. As the girls had been acquainted with one another, Ella offered to give them both a tour of the house as they would all be family quite soon, however, they did not respond to her but instead commented on her home in front of her in a snobby manner while smiling at her as if they did not do anything mean at all. Finally, before long, the last guest was about to exit the carriage, Richard's soon-to-be wife who was almost always accompanied by her vicious grey pet cat Lucifer, he was held by a long maroon leash and was tossed out the carriage door aggressively and as soon as she stepped out he followed behind her towards the house doors. As she walked, her luscious black gown embroidered with beautiful yellow outlines of flowers followed behind her, while she walked her steps echoed along with her as well making her presence all the more the centre of everyone's attention.

Her stepmother-to-be was a woman of keen feeling and refined taste, and she too had known grief, but she wore it wonderfully well. Ella stood outside the house and her father came walking towards her to hold both her hands out of excitement, she quickly put on a smile and let out a laugh but as soon as her father had walked off it was all put away. He then made his way back to the house to join the others. "You did not say your daughter was so beautiful," Lady Tremaine said to Richard, he responded by saying that she took after her mother almost entirely. He was nervous in saying so as he did not want to create an ill environment in the room by mentioning his late wife in front of his current spouse, but he did not know what else to say. As they all gathered for a quick tour of the home, Drizella had asked how long had his family lived in this house and he responded by saying that they had resided there for over two hundred years. "And in all that time they never thought to decorate." Said Anastasia in an insulting tone. "Anastasia hush! They'll think you are an Earnest." Said her mother with a smirk on her face. It seemed that just as how much Ella was reluctant about such a change her extended family had mutual feelings regarding it all as well.

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