🦋𝐴 𝑁𝑒𝑤𝑙𝑦 𝑊𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑛 𝐴𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑑𝑎🦋

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It was upon the untimely death of Richard, however, that the stepmother's true nature was revealed, cold, cruel and bitterly jealous. Lady Tremaine was grimly determined to forward the interests of her own to both her two awkward daughters. Ella's stepmother and stepsisters ever misused her, they had taken her resilience for weakness and so they had no trouble handing her all the chores and putting her in charge of caring for the entire household, this meant that she was held responsible for all the daily runnings of their home no matter what. By and by they considered Ella less a sister than a servant, and so Ella was left to do all the work, this was a good thing, for it distracted her from her grief. At least that was what her stepmother had said to her. And she and her two daughters were more than happy to provide Ella with lots and lots of "distraction"...thus, as time went by, the chateau fell into disrepair. For the family, fortunes were squandered upon the vain and selfish stepsisters, while Ella was abused, humiliated and finally forced to become a servant in her own house. Ella could be found doing everything for her home for her family, whether this was tying the laces of their shoes for them or doing all of their laundry, such as washing, drying, folding, packing, mending, and everything found in between. Occasionally she would find herself caught in between multiple tasks at once as she would go to the laundry room on some occasions and soak the clothes, but even then when Anastasia and Drizella knew of this they would spare no effort in ringing the house bells to call to Ella from the other side of their home, and of course they did so without having to leave the comfort of their clean and tidy bedrooms. Ella was also given the responsibility of polishing her stepmother's and stepsister's mass shoe collections as well. She was expected to prepare breakfast, lunch, and supper for everyone, and to serve it, along with doing the dishes that resulted from their use. She swept, mopped, and dusted the entire house when it was required but she never brought herself to complain against their wishes, even if it had become too extreme. She had worked from the early hours of dawn to the late hours of dusk, in their defence, they did share the very food they ate or rather the scraps from their table. This hurt Ella so much that she didn't even know who she was anymore and so she began to question herself for who could endure such treatment from anyone at all, especially from one's own family, most nights her animal friends such as Gus Gus, Teddy, Tilda, and Jacqueline would see her being a bit down in her spirits and they did their ultimate best to cheer her and accompany her as much as possible. This instantly lifted her sentiments and filled her with joy even if this meant that they were only merely in the room with her, she would hear them squeaking and would instantly know who was there in the corner of the room.

One night they came again and just as she was about to eat what her family had left her for the evening she took one quick glimpse at the plate and saw that it was once again quite a minuscule serving, she quickly started to feel disheartened but soon she heard a squeaking sound and Ella quickly became excited and joyful again, she smiled and scoured the room attentively looking for her friends, she got up from her seat and followed the sound of their voices. As she neared the clock they came out from underneath it and she immediately rushed over. "There you are!" She said with a joyful tone. But those friends she had, she treated with an open heart and an open hand and so she offered them to have some supper with her as the food was just not enough for her but she knew it would be more than sufficient for them instead. She grabbed a teacup and a paper coaster to make a little table and then placed some bits and pieces of the scraps such as bread crusts, cheese, peas, and carrots on the little "table" for them to feast on. And like always Gus Gus tried to grab all the cheese off the table since that was his favourite food, but as he was about to grab the last small block of cheese Tilda lightly tapped his paw as she had already claimed that bit of cheese for herself, Gus Gus felt slightly embarrassed so he just quickly ate whatever food was in his grasp, while her friends had their supper she began washing all the dirty plates, forks, spoons, glasses, and more. On this particular night, there were not as many dishes to clean as she had done most of them earlier that day however, but there was quite a bit of laundry that needed to be washed the following morning. As the sun rose once again the time for the merchant to arrive at the home had come, not too long ago Ella's stepmother concluded that due to no more income for the family to collect the only temporary solution for this was to sell many of Richard's old belongings, such as clothes, watches, shoes, ties, accessories, hats and many more others including the little box he had given his daughter many years ago containing the little flower that he called "un papillon", as Ella left the house to hang the damp clothes so that they may dry she caught a glimpse of her stepmother talking to a man who had a large coach carriage which was filled to its brim with many of her late father's belongings. She stood from a near distance and saw him pay her stepmother, though she was certainly far from satisfied with what she was paid as she grinned unpleasantly, so she handed him a top hat which was worth a fair amount and he paid her a minute amount more and thanked her for the business. Ella waited for her stepmother to return inside so that she could hurry toward the man and make him an offer for just one item, Ella ran quickly toward the back of the coach, grabbed the box and asked the man if she was able to pay him for it back, he looked at her and smiled kindly "My dear, there is no need at all. It is completely alright." She smiled and thanked him from the bottom of her heart as it would have been one of the few things left she could have used to remember him by.

And yet, through it all, Ella remained ever gentle and kind. Even though she may have been dressed in rags, she continued to wear an air of great queenly grace and continued to remain a sunset in a frame...for with each dawn, she found a new hope that someday her dreams of happiness would come true and she continued to have compassion and empathy in her heart. True, she was suffering deep emotional anguish but beneath the surface, she was smiling through the hurt inside...

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