Chapter One

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"Unrequited love is one tragic topic, and tragedy often makes relatable and fine art," Juliet explains while a confused-looking Maddie stares back at her from the laptop screen.

"But you write about it as if you actually are in love with a boy who doesn't know that you exist. While in fact, you have never been in love, and nobody has loved you."

"Did you hear that sound?" Juliet asks, dramatically looking down at her chest. "I think my heart just cracked. Why would you say it like that?" Maddie rolls her eyes as she wipes a non-existent tear from her cheek before regaining her composure.

"And that's why fake scenarios exist, dimwit. I imagine myself being madly, deeply in love with a beautiful brown-eyed guy who doesn't recognize my existence because he's too busy loving someone else." Juliet chuckles humorously. "And then the sad girl feelings appear, and I start writing one hundred and one reasons why it should have been me instead."

"Imagine creating imaginary rifts with people who don't exist." A laugh escapes her lips as Maddie shakes her head, her curly black hair scattering over her shoulder. "But honestly, the poem is so good though. It's heart-touching."

"Thank you." Juliet smiles. "By the way, are you home alone? It sounds quiet out there."

"Bridget is taking a shower. Mom is cooking, and I'm about to take a bath too. We are going to church this evening." Maddie says before a look of remorse washes over her face. "It's been quite a while since we last went. I feel bad."

"This is probably why you failed that chemistry course. God is mad." Juliet laughs, receiving an angry glare from the other side.

"Just kidding!" Juliet replies, just as she remembers something. "Oh! I almost forgot to tell you. I'm going to meet that Toronto boy tomorrow. Dad keeps praising him so much that my ears are about to fall off now."

"That guy who is going to tutor you?"

Juliet nods.

"There are plenty of online courses available on the internet, though." Maddie responds.

"It's just that I need a lot of help, like someone to sit with me and guide me through the topics. There are actually a few I didn't grasp well enough. Online courses won't do that, you know."

"How did you manage to get an A in math then?"

"Well, it's because I'm a witch." She flashes a proud smile before laughing it off. "That was just my luck. I thought before university starts and puts me in overload, I'd make amends for my shortfall in those topics."

"I see." Maddie says, her dark brown skin glowing in the sunlight penetrating through the curtains.

"Remember Nina? My cousin. She told Dad about this guy. His father is her teacher from school. He's such a good student and got an admission offer from the University of Toronto."

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