Chapter 12

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  As I read on about Hassan's where about's dread just rushes over me like a fright train. I can feel my body start to tremble with fear. "This can't be real. I won't let it," I say to myself. But the computer doesn't lie. Is he going after me? My family? My life? 

  I have no problem with death. It's surrounded me since I was little. Starting with both my grandparents, to my best friend, to my mom, and to my team. But if my family get's hurt, I will be at the point of no return. And I already know that darkness will consume my body, and once that happeneds I will never be the same.

  I will be at the point of no return. I try to find where exactly he is. That way I can predict his next move. I wont let him hurt my family. After about an hour I finally find out where he is. He is a hard man to find shockingly. I find out that he is about a four hour drive away. "Thats too close to here," I say aloud, bringing my hands to hold my chin. I rub my eyes out of tiredness and frustration. 

  I lean back into the chair, contemplating whether or not I should take hold of the situation. "Why is he back? Does he want me? Ughh," I sigh. It doesn't matter he has to be stopped. He is a monster and he needs to be punished. I hear foot steps and quickly close out of the computer. Right as I log out Felix comes in. "Hey Mace, what are you doing in here?" He asks me. 

  "Just wanted to check up on things around here," I tell him. "Oh ok," he says. I get up and as I'm about to leave I turn around to Felix's voice, "I heard that you didn't sleep well. Is everything ok?" "Everything's fine," I answer. "You do know that you can talk to us about your time over seas right?" Felix asks again with a worried expression painted on his face. "Nothing happened, I'm ok," lie all lie's. I'm anything but fine. "Ok, I love you Felix. I'm sorry I don't say that enough," Felix says with a little bit of sorrow. 

  "It's ok Felix," I say giving him a smile and then leaving. As I leave I go to the kitchen where every one is chugging coffee. "Good morning," I say knowing that their all hung over. "Shhh headache no talking," Sharon says. "Morning guys!" Tom says trying to provoke them. "Everyone just please be quiet," Addison complains. I look over in her direction. Her body is slumped over the table and her face is green. 

  "Hey so do you guys know anything about the crime rate going up?" I ask. "Can we talk about this later? Our heads are pounding and your not really helping," Addison whines. I sigh and leave, knowing that I'm not really welcome. I walk up to my room and as I open the door the same couple from before are in my bed. "Wake up!" I yell. the both of them jump up out of bed. The girl covers herself with the sheets and the man stands up butt naked. 

  "Get out," I growl threw my teeth. They both run out grabbing their clothes and sprinting out of the room. I go into my closet and grab out my duffle bag. I grab some pants and some shirts and shove them in the big black duffle bag. I then go and grab my guns from under my bed and but them in the bottom of the bag. I also pull out a metal box filled with knives. I but them into the bag and then close it up.

  I grab my thigh holster and put it around my thigh and then place my gun in it. I also grab my sheath for my combat knife and put it around my belt. Once I'm all packed I head down stairs. As I'm about to head out the door Sharon walks in. "Where do you think your going?" She asks. "I have work to do," I say in a deep tone. "Don't use that tone with me," she barks. "Besides your sisters wedding is in four months and we need you home to help us out," Sharon explains.

  "I'm well aware," I tell her. "Well you can't be just running off. Your living under our roof now. And we have a lot of work to do before her wedding. So your going to stay and help us!" She yells. "Mom what's going on?" I look over and see Addison. "shit," I whisper under my breath. "Your sister here is leaving," Sharon explains. "I will be back, I need to make sure that nothing bad will happen at your wedding," it's not a lie. I do wish the best for her but I can't risk Hassan messing it up for her.

  "Fine but you need to be back by tonight," Addison try's to compromise. "Unfortunately it will be at least three days," I tell her. "Fine, no more then three." Addison and I shake on it. I leave and make my way to Sharons car. I pick pocketed her keys to the Land rover. I unlock the car and throw my stuff in the back of her car. I hop into the drivers seat and start the engine. But right as I'm about to leave there's a knock on the window. I look over to see

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