Chapter 19

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General Logans pov

  As I race through the halls supporting Mace, multiply people start shooting. I grab out my hand gun and shoot them. Once their all down I cary on. I have sergeant Tank covering my back as we try to make our way out of here.

  As we're running I can tell that Mace is having a hard time keeping up and holding on. Her feet are dragging and she looks to be going in and out of conscious. "Come on Mace, just hold on," I tell her but also for me to keep on going. "Sam?" I hear Mace squeak. Sam, who's Sam? "Hold it together Mace. Were almost there," I command. I look down to Mace, her eyes are dull and it doesn't even look like she's fully here. "No," she says out of no where.

  "I didn't mean to," says Mace. "Mace?" I question, somethings not right. As I'm running I can hear Mace whimpering and mumbling things under her breath. "Shut up. Your not real," she says out of no where. She can't keep going. I set her down on the ground, while my men cover Mace and I.

  "Mace, look at me," I command. She looks at me, but all I see is fear. She quickly turns way, closing her eyes, and holding her head in her hands. This isn't right, they must have drugged her or something. "Something's wrong with Mace! I need medics now!" I yell over the ear piece. "Not real." I look down to Mace who's now shaking uncontrollably and is repeating the same thing over and over again.

  "We don't have time for this," I say picking her up and taking matters into my own hand. I'm running with her in my arms. As I finally get out of the building I'm met by Hassan. "What did you do to her?" I bark. "I thought you people where supposed to be smart? Besides, you don't have time to interrogate me. She doesn't have much time," he says.

  "How do I help her you sicko?!"I roar. "Give her to the medics, they'll know what to do," he says then runs off to a near by plane. I know that it's either forget about Mace, or save her. If it was anyone else, I would drop them and go after him, but Mace has saved me countless times. "Hold on Mace, I'm getting you help."

  As I'm dashing to the plane I call out, "MEDICS!MEDICS!" Once I get on we start taking off, along with the other soldiers not to far behind. "Quick, set her down on the table," Darcy says. She's one of the best nurses. If anyone can help Mace, it's her. 

  The moment I set her down, she starts shaking. "She's going into shock!" Darcy yells. "Maddie, get over here and get the defibrillator," she yells. "General, help me turn her onto her side," she instructs me. I do as she says, and once Maddie comes Darcy pushes me away. Once we arrive back at base, Mace is rushed to the hospital. 

  As I make my way to the hospital I call up her family and let them know where she's at. "Hello, is this Mrs. Denver?" I ask through the phone. "Who's this?" She asks. "My name is General Logan, I'm a friend of your daughter, Mace. I need you to go to the hospital, Mace is hurt," I tell her. 

  "What?" She gasps. "I can explain it all once you and your family get here," I inform her. "I'm so sorry about this," I add, then hang up. I start speeding to the hospital and what would have been another forty minutes, was actually twenty. I rush in and end up find where she is at. I sit in the waiting room impatiently. 

  About ten minutes after I got here, the rest of her family came. Although they've never met me, I know that they can tell who I am. By the uniform and the fact that I have blood all over me. I stand up and walk over to them. 

  "What happened?" The younger man asks. I look over to Josh or whatever he said his name was. I basically ask him if he told them what he knew. But it doesn't seem like it. "I had a mission for her but it went south. I am sorry," I say sincerely. And I'm not really lying, this is how it all started.

  "How much longer will she be in there?" The older woman asks. "I'm not sure," I respond. We all end up taking a seat and sit in the is awkward silence. Waiting for either good or bad news. "So, I'm assuming that your General Logan, Yes?" I look over to see an older man. "Yes sir," I answer. "Your a lot older then I thought. And you don't smell as bad either," he says. "Uhh thanks." I don't really know what he means by that but ok.

 "So what really happened?" He asks. "I believe that that is a question for Mace. I thought that she had already told you guys about her time over seas and as the best sniper recorded but-" "Wait what?" He says cutting me off. "Mace never said anything about that!" He adds. "What has she told you guys?" I ask him. 

  "Nothing really. I remember she said something about Pakistan but she's never been over there. She basically never even fought, or so we thought. I'm Felix by the way," Felix says. I take a deep breath and think about what I should tell them and what Mace should tell them. She promised me that she would tell them everything, but she didn't even tell them the fact that was or is the best soldier.

  "Sergeant Major Mace is the best soldier that I have ever seen. I sent her out on her first mission after eight months of training. She was just that good. I wanted to see how she would do as a one man army, so I gave her an easier mission. And to everyones surprise she did it with in a mater of seven hours. Even though the mission was a three day thing."

  "After that I assigned her with her first tour. Her and her team went over to Russia and for safety reasons I can't say, they where home in about two months. She earned a metal of armer. Her and her team went on about seventy-eight missions and five tours. She gained about four more metals. On her last tour, it didn't end so well. Her and her team was captured for nine months," I explain. 

  "So she didn't just ghost us," Felix says. "Correct. Some how she escaped and made her way back to us. The seen was pretty gruesome. Once we fixed her up, she wouldn't talk to anyone for about two months. We still don't know what happened or what she saw, but the man that held her captive took her again," I inform Mr. Felix. 

  "How come she never told us this?" He asks mostly himself. Suddenly a dr. walks up, everyone stands up. Mrs.Denver walks up to him. "How is she? Will she be ok?" She asks. "Are you Mace Williams mother?" He asks. "Yes," she responds. "Well your daughter will-

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