Chapter 50

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Once I'm back in Iran and at the compound, the beating begins. Hassan hasn't come in yet, so there's just random people here, trying to squeeze a scream out of me. But I won't give it to them. From the fall that I took the other night and the fight, along with the beatings, to say that I'm in pain would be an under statement.

  Hanging by my hands I sigh. I spit the blood that has built up in my mouth and onto the floor. My vision keeps on going in and out. It's been two days, which means tomorrow is when they come. I promised myself that I wouldn't forget about those people. I can't, I need to get out of here and that's clear.

  Suddenly, the door opens and Hassan walks into the dark and musty room. "Good afternoon Khor Khoreh. You failed your mission, and because of that you will be punished," he stars. "However, I need you today, so it will be held off until tomorrow morning. But I wouldn't want you to think that you getting off of the hook because of this. So that being said," he says then pauses and walks over to the cart.

  I watch him grab a tater stick. And immediately he lights it and shoves it into my side. I hold my mouth shut as to not let out any screams, however I can't help but grunt through the pain. He finally pulls away and I pant. I can feel the blood start to fill up in my mouth. I spit it on the floor once more, and then he goes for another round. This goes on for three hours.

  "Get her suited up and then have her meet us at the meeting room," Hassan commands. I'm covered in sweat and blood, my hair is stuck to my face do to the blood and sweat. Once I'm dressed into my outfit I make my way down to the control rooms. Once I entire, the room is filled with computers and filing cabinets.

  There are three guards in there, siting and watching like little kids when their favorite show comes on. "Ma- err. Khor what are you doing in here?" The one guard asks. The other guard hits him, he fucked up and he knows it. I turn behind me and lock the door. All of their eyes widen with fear.

  The one walks up to me and I snap his neck. The next one comes up with a stick. I grab his wrist and flip him onto his back. I throw my heel into his throat, killing his. The the other one comes with a gun. Not wanting any nose I flip the gun around and out of his hands. I unload it at throw the pieces either way. I use the wall, jump off of it and hit the man square in the face, knock him out. I then walk up and snap his neck.

  Once all the guards are down, I walk over to the computers and start to hack into them. I put a timer on for all the doors to open at 8:00. I look at the clock now and it reads 7:30. I unlock the door, only to lock it again with the keys that I stole.

  Once I'm at the meeting room I take my side next to Hassan. There are a total of six people here. The other ones have been killed off by me, their loyalty was not except-able. "Khor Khoreh, welcome to the meeting," the Russian greets. My entire face is covered by a black shemagh, so he can only see my deadly eyes that are staring into his. Right away he looks away.

  The meeting goes on, I'm not fully listening. I keep on looking at the clock. Finally though it's 8:00. I wait for another five and then the alarms go off. Everyone in the room stands up and looks around. "What's going on?" The German asks in shock. I take off my shemagh and throw it on the ground. "Khor Khoreh, what the fuck are you doing?" Hassan asks in an angry tone. "This stops now Hassan," I bark.

  "Have you forgotten your ways?! I made you! You would be nothing without me!" He yells. "I would be back home with my family if it weren't for you." The entire time I keep my voice low and calm, because to him, it's a threat. "Hassan takes out his gun and points it at me. He pulls the trigger and I don't even flinch. "Have you forgotten what a loaded gun feels like?" I ask him. I take out the bulits from my pocket and drop them to the ground.

  That's when he realizes that he's screwed. Then the door bursts open and general Logan and his men burst in. "I heard that you tried to kill me. How kind of you," he says in a sarcastic tone. I walk over to the rest of the men and tie them up. I hand then off to each soldier and the take them away.

  Once I get to Hassan, he backs himself up against a table. All of the sudden he pulls out a gun and shoots me in the leg and once more in the abdomen. I fall to the ground with a yelp. That's when he grabs me and puts the gun to my head. "If you move a single muscle I will kill her," he threatens.

  My breathing is starting to fall short, and with the amount of blood that I've lost, my vision goes in and out. "Go! This place is going to blow in four minutes!" I command Logan. "No, we're not leaving without you," he says. "Take these men back to the jet," he commands his soldiers. "But sir-" "That's an order lieutenant Adams!" He yells back. They all leave, making it just the three of us.

  "Back where it all began huh?" Hassan says. "Why? Why are you doing this to her? It's me you wanted all this time, why not just have it be me?" The general asks. "Because, you made her to be the perfect soldier, her entire upbringing was leading her to become who she is now," he responds. "Besides, I can see how much you care for this girl. You took her in at eighteen and made her into a weapon. Your as much to blame as I am," Hassan adds.

  I wrap my hand around Hassan arm and flip him over, making him land on his back and dropping the gun. I grab the gun and hover over him. "Mace no!" Logan yells, but it's to late. Without hesitation I shoot him right between the eyes. "I NEVER miss," I growl to his now dead body.

  I walk pass the general, "We need to go. We have two minutes until the bomb goes off." He follows me and we make our way outside. The entire time he's ahead of me. I have to lean against the wall for support. "Come on Mace! Push through!" The general commands. We finally make it outside and the general rushes to the jet.

  But because of the blood loss slowing me down, the explosion sends me flying.

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