Chapter 17

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(For the rest of the book, it'll be in Mace's pov)

  I'm in a dessert. There's no covering or anything. As I'm walking through it I see my father in the distance. My birth father that is. "Dad?" I yell out. Behind him is a woman. Mom? Then about thirty other people come out from behind them. It's my team. "Mace," they all sing in unison, walking closer to me.

  "Mace," they sing louder, now spreading out and circling me. I look at my mother who has bullet wounds, cuts, and gashes all over her.  Her skin is pale and lifeless. I then look to my teammates. I look to Jason, his legs look like they where blown off. I look to Mark, who's missing his right arm. I look to the rest of my team and there all bloody and some part of their body is missing. Whether it be an arm, a leg, or an ear. 

  "Mace," they say louder, not even singing anymore. At this point they have surrounded me. "Look at us Mace. Look at what you did," they say. This can't be real. "How," is all I manage to get out. "You left us." I turn around to see Tony. "I was 19. You left, to save yourself," Tony states. "I-" I try to get out, but am cut off by Jason. "I had a wife and two kids. I was gonna go home, but you left me for dead. They blew off my legs and tortured me," he screams out of anger. 

  "I wanted to," I choke out. "What about me?" I turn back around to face mom. "Your the reason I'm dead. Before you your Father and I were in love, until you came along. It's all your fault," she claims, now standing infront of me. She put's her hand to my face and wipes away a tear I didn't even know was there. 

  Then she pulls out a gun and shoots me in the heart. I grab where she shot me and fall to the ground. Everyone starts to surround me, kicking me and scratching me. I can feel my heart give out and I can feel my soul leave my body.

 Suddenly, I'm back home. Felix, Sharon, Addison, Tom, Jess, and Monica are all there. Where all standing in the living room, with me in the center. "Your a murderer," Jess starts. "Worthless," adds Monica. "We never should have brought you into this family," says Sharon. 

  "How could anyone call you daughter," speaks Felix. "I never did like you," says Tom. "No one could love a murderer," Addison adds. As their all talking I can feel myself getting shorter and sinking. I try to talk but I can't. I try to open up my mouth but I can't. I try to move but I can't. So instead I let them downgrade me. But I believe it. Their right.    

  I'm back at the hospital room with Hassan. Again I have a tube shoved down my throat and I'm strapped to the table. To be honest I don't even feel like fighting. I can hear everyone talking, all at once, "Murderer, worthless, your fault, trader, give up." I can feel a tear run down my cheek. I feel hopeless. No ones gonna come for me. Hassans just doing everyone a favor. 

  No. No he wont win. I'm not giving in. He'll have to kill me if he wants to win! "Resisting are we? Well, take her to her cell and hang her by her wrists. Oh and take of her shirt, she'll have a good beating," Hassan commands one of his guards. The one dr. comes up to me and rips the tube out of my throat. I instantly start gagging and coughing.

  I feel two pair of hands grab me and help me off the table. I try to fight back and move but I can't. "Why can't I move?" I ask. The numbness is starting to worry me and all those memories, no, no. The dreams, not memories, but dreams are starting to play in my head. "Huh, I guess that's a side effect. Be sure to wright that down dr.s," Hassan comments. 

  As I'm being dragged out of the the two guards but me in this cell. It's four concrete walls and the door is pure metal. I see chains hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. The guards chain me up so I am hanging by my wrists. 

  The one comes behind me and I can hear him take out his knife. I prepare myself for the slash of the knife but instead he cut the back of my shirt. Revealing the back of my sports bra. Once they leave I let out a sigh of relief. 

  All the things that I saw, I can't tell if they where really or not. But I'm not even sure this is real. I think this part is real. After a while Hassan walks in. "Comfy?" He asks. "Cut the crap," I snap. "What do you want?" I question. "I want you to pay," he declares. "You will pay for escaping. You will pay for your soldiers deaths. You will pay for leaving them behind and cowering. You WILL give me the information I want," he spits. 

  "In your dreams. Like I said before, you will NEVER break me," I affirm. "We'll see. Well should we get started?" Hassan asks and walks behind me. I feel him lift up my hair and touch the back of my neck. "It seems like your mark is healing. Lets keep it fresh," he suggests. "Brand her, whip her, and do what ever it take to get that information out of her!" Hassan yells at his people. 

  As he's about to leave I catch his attention. "Coward! Making your men do all the dirty work. You call yourself a general when your not even man enough to fight!" I pick. I want him to be angry, I want his blood to boil, and I can tell it's working. 

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