Chapter 14

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  "Here's what your going to do. Your going to come with me into the van. And you and I are going to take a little trip," He says with that malicious grin. I look at the house, knowing that my family is inside there. "Fine," I give in. 

  I walk to the van with him. Once I get in there are ten soldiers in total. Five on each side, all holding guns except for one. He's holding a needle, along with an oxygen tank. "Get in," Hassan commands in a low voice. I take a deep breath and hop in the van. As I do, right away the doors close shut. 

  I turn around, trying to resist the urge to fight. I know I don't have a chance. I unclip my thigh holster and my sheath, and I hand it to the soldier to my right. The man holding the needle steps to me. I back up but I can feel the back of the truck. I can feel my heart racing, ready to beat out of my chest. 

  "Hold still," the man commands. He has a wicked smile on his face. As he walks closer to men grab my arms and put the oxygen mask over my face. Once they turn it on there's green gas coming out. I try to resist but I can't. Then I feel a pinch in my arm and I am consumed by sleep.

  I jolt up, remembering what happened. Only thing though is that I can't move. I try to lift up my head but I am bound to a hospital bed. I try and get out but I can't. Both the bed and the restraints are made out of metal. I look to my arm where I have an IV bag. Inside the bag is a blue liquid. "What the hell is this?" I ask in disbelieve. How am I back here? Why am I here? What does he want? Why me?

  I try to calm down and take in my surroundings. There's a big light above my head. Next to me on a table are different types of scalpels, needles, and other medical things. I look over to the bottom left corner, I see a bunch of oxygen tanks. The hospital room is dark and dirty, but I wouldn't expect anything else. 

  "I wouldn't try to fight back if I where you." I try to turn my head but I don't have to do that to know who's talking to me. "What are putting in me?!" I shout. "Give it time. Now tell me, what was it like thinking that you got away?" Hassan says. "You wont break me!" I shout at him. "Have you ever read any of the Batman comics?" He asks, taking my off guard. "What?" What kind of a question is that? 

  "You know the villain Scare Crow? Well we found out a similar drug that he uses. And today, you will be our test subject," he says. I can feel is hands on my face and I can feel fear rushing through my body. Hassan walks to the end of the bed and smiles at me. Then he snaps his fingers and as he does I can feel a mask be put over my face. And suddenly I'm reliving my worst nightmares. 

Back home, (this will be told in Johns pov)

  After I hear Mace and the other guy leave, I head over to the window. I see him shove Mace into a van and then they take off. I hide in the room for an other hour. Even though Mace said forty-five. I could tell by the look of her face that she was in trouble. And she was.

  After the hour is up, I sneak out the window and head to my car. I put in the coordinates that Mace gave me. It's about a day drive but I'll do it. As I'm driving Addison calls me. "Hey honey," I great her over the phone. "Hey, why weren't you at lunch? Is everything ok?" Addison asks. "Yeah um there was a work emergency. I'm also gonna have to cancel dinner tonight. Sorry baby," I tell her. "Aww it's ok sugar. I hope it all goes well," She tells me. "Thanks babe. Hey so umm, who was that guy that came over for lunch?" I ask. "I'm not fully sure. I think he said that he knew Mace. He said his name was Hassan. Wait, how did you know about him?" She questions me.

  Shoot. "Oh well your Mom told me that you had someone over. Just making sure that your ok, that's all," I say practically holding my breath. "Oh that's sweet love," she says. I let out a sigh of relief, then I suddenly remember that I was suppose to call a number. "Oh hey honey, I'll call you back later. I have a call I need to make. Love you," I say. "Love you too, be safe. Bye," she says then hangs up. 

  I go threw the phone that Mace gave me and call the number. The phone rings but no one answers. "Oh well, I guess we'll see what happeneds," I tell myself. After about another eight hours of driving and finding new short cuts, I'm finally at the place that Mace gave me. I pull up and it's a military base. I drive up to a man and he orders me to roll down my window.

  "Hello sir, I need to see a general Logan," I tell the man. "Name and time of visit," he tells me. "I tried to call but no one answered," I explain. "You need an appointment," he says. "Look sergeant major Mace is in trouble and she needs my help," I try to reason. "I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to make you leave," he orders. 

  "Please, this is urgent. It's about the president, we suspect that he is in danger," I lie. "Fine, head on in," he says and opens up the gate. I drive through and start praying that Mace will be ok.

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