Chapter 25

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  Once the coffee is done I grab myself a cup from the cuboid and pour myself some coffee. I go into the cabinet and grab out the sugar. I pour in some sugar and stir it in. I grab my coffee and walk over to the table and take a seat.

  As I take a sip, Tom and the girl that he was with earlier walk in. "Oh hey Mace! I want you to meet Tiffany. We've been going out for a year and I want you to meet her!" Tom says excitedly. Even a deaf man could hear the excitement  in his voice. "Hello Tiffany," I greet. "Now Tom, why don't you come help your poor old sister out." I get up, practically dragging him into the other room.

  Once we're in the other room I close the door and grab Toms ear, pinching it. "Owowowow," he silently cries. I let go and he grabs his ear. "Why didn't you tell me that you had a girlfriend?" I scold. "Well you got back and I didn't want to say anything," he rambles. "And then she went away on vacation so she couldn't meet you. And then you disappeared. I was going to take her to the hospital today but then you came home, and-" "Dude, I'm happy for you. She looks very nice," I tell him with a smile.

  Tom smiles ear to ear. Then he hugs me, a little to hard. I hold back a yelp and bite my tongue instead. "Your the best sister," Tom exclaims happily. "Come on, I want you to meet her," he says grabbing my hand. "I'll be there in a minute," I tell him, pulling my hand back.

  Once Tom leaves the room I lift up my shirt to see that blood has seeped through the bandage. I touch it, just to make sure that it's fresh. I walk out of the room and as I'm about to leave the kitchen Tom stops me."Mace, where you ya going?" He asks.

  I turn my head, not wanting him to see the blood that is now seeping through my shirt. "I'll be right back. I just have to change," I smile. I leave the kitchen and make my way upstairs. The pain is starting to get to me.

  I get up the stair and go into my room. I go into the bathroom and grab scissors, gauze, rubbing alcohol, and wrap. I take the scissors and cut off the bandage going around my torso. I look down to see that it's where I was shot. I can practically feel it all over again. Hanging my my wrists, the metal cutting into my skin, not being able to touch the floor. I can hear the shot go of. A ringing in my ear like church bells. 

  I try to push it away and continue with cleaning my wound. I throw out the bandage and grab the rubbing alcohol and pour it on my wound. I hold my breath and let out a hiss. I grab the gauze and then wrap it up. I grab some Tylenol and some other pain killers.

  I wash my hands and go into my room. I walk over to the dresser, pulling out a plain black T-shirt. I slip it on and head back downstairs. Tom and Tiffany are sitting at the island counter, look at a menu for a hoagie place. "Oh hey, want anything from Mathews Hoagie Stop?" Tom asks.

  "Man, I haven't had a hoagie from there in years. I'll get a buffalo chicken hoagie with lettace and tomato," I tell Tom. "Great! I'll go call and we'll pick it up," Tom says leaving the room so he can order the food. Leaving it with just me and Tiffany. Tom knows that I'm not good with small talk. Sly bastard.

  "So, how did you and Tom meet?" I ask, trying my best to not make this sound like an interrogation. "We met at collage. We're both going in for business so we met in class." Her voice is kind and soft. And telling by her accent, she's not from Texas.

  "Where are you from?" I ask. "I'm from Pa, I moved to Texas so I could go to collage here. I also wanted to get away from home," Tiffany explains. "I get that," I tell her. "So, you are in the military? What branch?" She asks. "Was," I say bluntly. "Weren't ready to go?" She asks. "I don't really know," I tell her.

  "I was apart of the Marine Corps." Tiffany's hazel eyes go wide. "Really? My brother was in the Maine Corps. That's like special missions right?" She asks. "Some."  Wait, she said was. How old is she? I mean Toms 24 so maybe 23?  "I mean, I know that there's a bunch of people and all but would you have happen to know a Tony Schneider?" She asks.

  I can feel my heart drop and my mouth gape open. Tony, he was nineteen, he was on the mission with me. I killed her brother. Why? Why did Tom have to pick a girl like this? "Hey, everything ok?" Tom walks back in, snapping me out of my trance. "I'm so sorry for you loss," I tell her.

  "So you did know him." Instead of seeing sadness, I see hope. "He was a good kid," I tell Tiffany. I don't want her to know that I'm the reason that her brother died. Not only would she hate me, but she would most likely hate Tom and leave him. This is the first girlfriend that he looks genially happy with. I don't want to ruin this for him.

  So instead of making a deal about things I push it down and focus in staying calm and collected. I end up driving the kids to pick up the hoagies. As I'm waiting in the front of the little hoagie store, my phone buzzes and lights up. I pick it up and it's a text message from the shrink.

  It reads, 'Hello Mace, I look forward to seeing you tomorrow at 9:00 am. Here is my address and now you have my number. Call or text me if you have and confusion or need help with anything. -Dr.Miller.' I roll my eyes and throw my phone on the seat next to me.

  "So stupid," I sigh, throwing my head back back against the seat. After what feels like forever, the two finally come out with a bag of hoagies in hand. "What took you so long?" I ask once they get in the car. "Sorry, we got caught up with Matt," he responds.

  On the drive home, Tom is in charge of music. So of course we're listening to country rap. Him and Tiffany are jamming out to the music while I focus on driving. Once we're home, Tom and Tiffany practically sprint into the house with the sandwiches. I fumble behind, due to my injuries. It's nice to see him so happy.

The SurvivorTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon