Chapter 18

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  It's been about five weeks. I'm tired, hurt, and I can't tell what's real and what isn't. They've drugged me, beet me, interrogated me, and used every torter method they know. I'm currently hanging in my cell awaiting for the next beating. My hair is stuck to my face by sweat and blood. 

  Last week they introduced me to a form of electric shock therapy. We were at it for five hours. and every day since then it's been any where from four to eight hours. I'm starting to give up hope, but even if I do I will never break. 

  They've also tried all kinds of drugs and they even got me close to not being able to remember my name. I over heard them talking about some kind of project. Unfortunately I was to out of it to know whether it was real, in my head, or just never happened. 

  One of the torter guys opens up the door and walks in. "How are we today little butterfly?" He asks. I hate that. They've been calling me that and it's starting to annoy me. "What should we start with today?" He says touching his chin. "Oh silly me, it's 14:30! You know what that mean!" He's to happy about this. I just roll my eyes, not even caring at this point.

  Every day at two:thirty I take the same drugs, and then I basically get shocked until I start bleeding from my nose and ears. I've already tried to leave three times and each time it's like when a dog steps over the electric fence. They get shocked.

  Once he get's me down he walks me to the hospital room. I have my arm wrapped around him, basically relying on him. Besides all the beating when ever I walk my legs give out and my vision will blur and start to feel dizzy and fatigue. 

  Once he sets me on the table it's the same as it's been, they drug me, hook me up to wires and shock me. Once I'm strapped down, I have a needle go threw my neck, left arm, right shoulder, and the worse one. Threw my eye, right to the brain. 

  After they all start kicking in they start up the electrical charges. I brace myself as it's about to start. Then the shock of electricity goes threw me. I lot out an agonizing  scream. Between the drugs and the pain, it's like I'm in a living hell.

  Out of no where the electricity stops, but the pain doesn't. My breaths are shaky, ragged, and short. "Mace, your ok. Your going home." I look up and I see General Logan. "You're n-not re-real," I say in between my breaths. It's all just part of the drugs. 

  "Listen to me, It's me Logan. Your the only person to every survive my training with out giving up. Sergeant Tank! Undo her restraints," the general says. I look over and see someone new. Maybe this is real. "General?" I ask shakily.

  "That's right. We're going to get you out of here and back to your family," he reassures me. Family? General Logan helps me up and instantly my legs give out. "Whoah, I've got ya," he says catching me. My head is pounding and my heart is racing. I feel week.

  As we're going through the halls Logan shoots multiple people as we try to escape. My feet are dragging, even though I'm trying to pick them up. "Come on Mace, just hold on," he declares. But as we're running thats when the visions start back up. 

  As where running I see Sam, he was my best friend. We go to turn the corner and he's standing right there. "Sam?" I squeak out. "Hold it together Mace. Were almost there," Logan says. "Leaving? Like you left me? Like you left your Mom?" Sam says. "No," I get out.

  "Your running. This is what you where meant to be. Killed like we where," he adds. "I didn't mean to," I tell him. "Mace?" I hear General Logan say, but I never take my eyes off of Sam. "You know this is all your fault," I hear my mother say. "You left us to die. Why should you live if we didn't," I hear my team say. 

  "Shut up. Your not real," I try to convince myself. "Mace, look at me," Logan commands. But when I look at him it looks like his face is melting and all around him are the dead bodies of my troops. I close my eyes as tight as I can and I grab my head. "Something's wrong with Mace! I need medics now!" I hear Logan yell but it sounds distorted. "Not real," I repeat over and over again. 

General Logans pov (this will be right when he saves he)

  As me and my men rush in, we are greated by a bunch of soldiers. "Well boy, let's have some fun," I say with my cigar in my mouth. Me and my men start shooting and thankfully non of them have gotten hurt. Yet. As we're fighting our way through the building my ears are hit with a scream. 

  I fallow the scream, as I get closer the more pain it sounds like the person is in. I finally come across a set of doors where it sounds like it's coming from. I burst in and see Mace. I shoot everyone on the room. Once their all dead I run over to Mace, who's screaming in pain. 

  She has wires all over her head and chest. I have never seen a more horrid sight in my life. She's covered in blood, her lip is split, multiple gun shot wounds. It even looks like they've whipped her back raw, and there are spots where it looks like acid was dropped. 

  "What did they do to you," I say under my breath, while I get ride of all the wires. Her breathing is short and comes out in wheezes. "Mace, your ok. Your going home." I say grabbing her attention.  "You're n-not re-real," she chokes out. 

  "Listen to me, It's me Logan. Your the only person to every survive my training with out giving up. Sergeant Tank! Undo her restraints," I tell her."General," she says in a shaky voice. How could she forget? "That's right. We're going to get you out of here and back to your family," I tell her. I get her off of the metal table, but as soon as her feet hit the ground she collapse. "Whoah, I've got ya," I say catching her. I throw her arm over my shoulder and help her out of this place. I'm getting her out of here and back to her life.

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