Chapter 4

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My afternoon was slow moving. I couldn't get what Jamie had said out of my mind. I couldn't concentrate on anything and mixed up some orders, making my day that bit harder, it took me thirty minutes just to figure out the mix up, another twenty to fix it. By the time five o clock rolled around i was fit to be committed.

"Izzy?" Michelle called, "will you be ok to lock up if Carol and I leave now? We wanted to stop off at that Art Exposition I told you about?"

"Sure absolutely" I smiled. I was just finishing up with the order of amps and I'd happily move on to some paper work out front until we closed up at seven. Hopefully it would occupy my mind.

"Are you sure?'ve been a bit out of sorts since your lunch with Jamie. Is everything ok?" Michelle wore a look of concern on her face. She always knew when I wasn't quite myself, even if I tried to hide it.

Carol approached us with both of their coats and bags in hand, I wasn't about to delay them with my issues.

"Oh no, I'm just tired, you guys go ahead, have fun!" I tried to give a genuine smile.
Carol and Michelle shared a knowing communication with their eyes, they knew I was lying.

"Really ladies, I'm fine, don't do that psychic thing! Get going"

"Psychic thing?"  Michelle questioned bewildered.

"Yeah!  y'know, when you talk to each other just by looking at each others eyes. It's seriously creepy by the way, you should really stop that." I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to appear confident but I think I achieved more of a 'child pretending to be an adult' vibe.

They both paused for a moment before bursting into a fit of laugher.

"Oh you mean telepathy Izzy?" Carol managed to ask while trying to catch her breath.
I covered my face with my hands. I was turning a beetroot colour from the neck up. "Ugh, get out of here you two...and don't let me hear you repeat that!"

"No problem Psychic Sally!" Michelle joked. "The keys are in the usual spot, feel free to lock up a little early if it's dead here, I'll see you in the morning."

"Don't forget to set the alarm!" Carol warned, just like every other time I closed the store. I waved her off "Go go go, I've done this a hundred times". I shooed them out the door, still feeling embarrassed as they giggled with each other.

It irks me to think Carol feels she has to constantly remind me to turn on the alarm. I'd hate for either of them to think they couldn't rely on me. I try not to let it get to me too much but I need them to know they can trust me with the store. That they can trust me with anything actually.

Jamie often tells me that I don't come across as confident in my abilities. He says it's in the way I carry myself, that I don't leave a lasting impression. I don't know who I'm supposed to be impressing though. I never really found my confidence to be a problem before he brought it up.

I know he just wants me to be at my best. He thinks he's helping, although I'm happy to blend in most of the time.
I suppose I'm pretty plain overall if I'm honest. I've no real desire to stand out.

My blonde hair sits just below my shoulder blades, it's been that way since I was fifteen. In the winter months I have it toned so it has more of an icy look to it, so I can blend in with the season.

I dress to my own taste but I think it's what would be generally considered kind of fashionable. Today I've went for skinny mid blue denim jeans, paired with a red co-ord knit top and cardigan. Tomorrow I might go for vans and a band t-shirt. Dressing for my mood is what makes me feel most comfortable, so I guess I don't have a signature style as such.

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