Chapter 43

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As the weekend drew in, the dread of spending it with Jamie seemed to make it come faster. I'll get some time on Sunday with Sarah, but other than that, it's just me and him. At least this is the last time.

He's suggested we see a movie and get some dinner. I've no problem with that. It keeps us out of the house, which means it keeps him away from me. A small mercy I was grateful for.

I woke up before him this morning and went for a run. All of these little moments I can spend away from him are what I plan to take advantage of.

The college responded to my email yesterday. They said I can defer for the year depending on what state I plan to complete my training in. I take it as good news in a way, I just have to make sure that wherever Will and I end up takes my current qualifications before I take on a new placement. That side of things we have yet to decide.

I wrote straight back to them, confirming my request to defer. I then sent Layla an email too, explaining that I had to go out of state at short notice and thanking her for all that she did. Im sure she's going to find it odd but I guess I don't really have to explain myself.
Will is the only bonus to the upset of having to give up the career I've worked for yet again. All because of Jamie. 
At least this time it's worth it.

While I'm running, I spot a little girl with her father in the park. She's squealing with excitement while her dad tries to lift her into a swing. It's adorable, and seems to slow me down, eventually bringing me to a stop. It
reminds me of similar times I had with my Dad before the accident, when it was all easy.

It might just be the simplicity of it, the little gesture of love. Or maybe this whole messed up situation with my Dad just isn't making sense anymore. Whatever it is, it knocks me off pace anyway. Forcing me to continue the rest of my run wondering if I should see him before I go.

By the time I get home, my thoughts are more muddled than when I left, but I've convinced myself that it's a bad idea to see him, he doesn't want a relationship with me. I must have been feeling nostalgic or something.

Jamie is up and already in the shower, there's steam seeping under the door of the bathroom. Is it too much to hope for that he's scalded himself to death? As morbid as it is.

I pour myself a cup of coffee and toast a bagel.
Jamies phone is sitting on the counter charging, it hasn't stopped buzzing since I got home.
At one point it's going off so much that I begin to get worried that something may have happened to his mom or dad or something so I quickly throw my eye over it to be sure things are okay.

There's a bunch of messages from an unknown number and a few missed calls. When I unlock it, the texts pop up on the screen. They don't make any sense to me, it's message after message from a total stranger, making threats and accusations against Jamie.

UNKNOWN: 'I knew I'd get my hands on this Jamie. Good luck putting it on me now!'

UNKNOWN: 'I'm not the only one that was waiting to see you fall.'

UNKNOWN: 'What's that girl of yours going to think when she finally gets a look at this?'

A video follows some of the messages. I probably shouldn't play it, but I can't help but feel suspicious. I can hear the shower is still running so I decide to take the chance, my curiosity getting the better of me. What plays out in front of me chills me to the bone.

The video starts blurry before coming into focus. There's a girl sitting on the floor beside the toilet in the bathroom stall. Her jet black hair is hanging over her face, falling into the toilet bowl slightly. I can't tell if she's asleep or if somethings wrong with her, I think maybe she's drunk. She can't be anymore than twenty.
Whoever is recording isn't there to help her anyway, that much is obvious. They're pulling at her clothes, trying to get the camera in under her skirt.
Then I hear it. That voice. It's Jamie.

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