Chapter 34

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The second we get into the apartment Jamie pulls a bottle of Bourbon off the rack. I feel I at least need to try to steer him away from consuming anymore alcohol tonight.
"Why dont I make you some coffee? It might help sober you up a little."

"Why don't you mind your own business."
He throws me a dirty look that instantly silences me.

He takes his drink and sits on the couch, sipping away while I hover in the kitchen aimlessly. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop.

"Izzy? Come in here."
He's still seated lazily on the sofa, but I keep my distance anyway, coming just past the edge of the kitchen tile, a couple steps to my right and I'd be in the hallway. If I had to go right now, I think I could make it to the front door before him.

"You okay?" I keep my voice as steady as I can. "You seem a little tired, maybe we should we go to bed?"


"You want me to make you something before I go myself then?"
I figure if I'm kind to him he might reciprocate and let this go.

"I want you to tell me if you slept with him."
He says it so casually that it makes me do a double take.

"If I...? ...With who? With Will?"

"Obviously. Unless there's someone else I should be asking about?" He lifts his gaze to me over his glass as he takes another sip of his drink. Nobody else in the whole world could make me feel as threatened with a look like that.

"No...the answer to both of those questions is no Jamie, I don't even know why you'd ask me that. I don't think we should be getting into any of this now either, I'm going to go to bed and we can clear it all up in the morning okay?."

"You'll sit your ass down while I'm talking to you."

I don't move from where I'm standing. Im aware that it's defying him, but I'm not new to this, sitting down only makes it easier for him to get to me.

"Jamie, don't you think you've had a lot to drink? Can we just forget this for now and talk about it tomorrow when our thoughts are a little clearer."

"Don't even try it Izzy."

"Try what?"

"Try to pin all of this on the fact I had a few drinks. It's you! You're the problem."

"I'm not trying to pin anything on you, I'm saying that I don't think it's helping things right now. You know as well as I do that your decisions won't be rational."

"What's not helping things is you whoring around when I'm not looking."

As I take in the sting of his words, I'm also left feeling partially guilty. Didn't I kiss Will tonight? Jamie obviously has suspicion of something that's not all that far from the truth. I know I need to defend myself from what might come but at the same he really all that wrong to be angry at me?

Even still, I don't want this escalating so I have to figure out a way to get Jamie to stay calm. Separating ourselves worked the last time he was worked up, it couldn't hurt to try it again now too.

"Do you want me to leave for a while? Remember how that helped at the launch party? I could take a walk, give you some time to see things a little clearer? The last thing I want to do with you right now is fight."

"Wow, listen to Dr.Izzy, maybe if you weren't lying to me every five minutes we'd argue less, ever considered that?"

I start to worry that he might be past the point of reasoning. I feel tempted to try get myself to the bedroom and lock the door, but that might only push his buttons further.

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