Chapter 38

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Will and I dress back into our wet clothes in relative silence, sneaking glances at each other. We defiantly should not have done that here but there's no going back now.

"You okay?"
Will eyes me from across the room. He's worried that I regret it. I don't. Not a single bit.

"More than...stop worrying."

He buttons up his pants and makes his way over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Like I said, I wanted it to be a lot more with you Iz...not that I'm complaining."

"I hope not!"

He leans into me, kissing me like he's done it a million times. Like I'm his.

I don't allow any real time for him to try to convince me of anything. I promise him we can have time after sorting this place out and then
I rush straight into clean up mode. Dragging him along for the ride.

He helps me to mop up the rest water before clearing some of the damages, recording and separating them. We even pull the old carpet. The obvious weighed heavy on us but I didn't stop working until we had to, figuring the longer we did, the longer we had with each other.

Carol and Michelle still hadn't arrived by the time we finished. Meaning I had to make good on that promise and give Will more time to plead his case.

"Just come home with me."

It's a statement rather than a question. One that breaks my heart. I stare at him like he's insane, because he knows I can't do that.

"I'm serious Izzy, leave with me right now. Stay with me."

"Will...we went over this, I can't."

"I know, I know what you said, but I can protect you Izzy, I'll do whatever it takes, he won't ever get near you again."

"And what if comes for you huh? Then what? What would all the hell have been for if that were to happen?"

"What is it for now?"

"I know it's hard to hear Will...believe me I know. But this way is best for everyone."

"So what now? You expect me to forget about this? About you and I? It's not happening."

I run my hands through my hair, I don't know what to tell him. I know I can't forget this either. But the threat of Jamie somehow finding out sends shivers down my spine.
What he did a few days ago should have been enough to keep me away from Will forever, yet here I am, drunk on the feeling he gives me.
I'd consider it out of character of me to do something so insane if it wasn't for the fact it involved Will. Nothing I've ever done with him has been in character for me, right down to the day I met him.

Before we can get into it any further I hear the keys in the front door. It's Carol and Michelle.
I suddenly realise how strange it will seem to them that Will is here, so i begin to usher him out the back door before they see him. The less people that know he was here the better anyway, not that he doesn't put up a fight about it.

"Izzy, this conversation isn't over!"
I try to move him but stays in the doorway like a statue.

"We've been here all day Will, nothing has changed, quick, you have to go!"

"Everything has changed!"

I hear Michelle call my name, I'm sure she can see the lights back here. I'm just short of pushing him out of here.

"Fine, I'll call you okay?"

"No, for all you know he's checking your phone...I'll come here? Or meet you after you finish at the school."

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