Chapter 13

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After I called Michelle on Monday morning and told her about my fake fall, she gave me the next two days off work, I thought it was a blessing but by Tuesday morning the boredom was mind numbing. There's only so much Netflix I can watch. I was able to remove the bandaids off of my feet but that was about the highlight of my day so far.

I had already spent hours applying for more listings on Monday and checked over my emails, but there were still no replies worth noting, I was starting to worry I'd be stuck in Sarah's for weeks!

I feel like I'm going stir crazy so I message Annie to see if we could meet for lunch instead of dinner, thankfully she was available.

It feels really nice to actually make a friend, I'm almost afraid to get in touch with any of my old ones, it's been a painfully long time.

A little while after I hear back from Annie, I get a message from Will.

"I hope you're not dumping me for my sister? I thought I would have made the better impression on you the other night!"

Annie must have told him about our plans the second we made them.

"Oh y'know, keeping my options open. You never know when you'll need an Irish connection, maybe she can explain why all shamrocks are clovers, but not all clovers are shamrocks?"

"No, please don't encourage her! She's going to start claiming Daniel Day-Lewis as an uncle soon enough!"

"I was thinking of suggesting that she march in the Parade next year actually..."



"Oh come on, you know that's not what Will is short for."

"Oh I know, but now I also know how much it irritates you."

"Enjoy your lunch Isobel."

"I'll be sure to...."

Okay, I'm flirting. Is that really bad? The second I heard from him I had memories of his singing filling my brain and I just couldn't help myself.

I guess I am leading him on a bit, I can't even begin think of getting into anything right now. I'm not even officially 'out' of things with Jamie.
I make a half hearted promise to myself that this was the last time I flirted with Will.

I bump into Jennifer on my way back from the breakfast buffet. I really needed a coffee.

"Hi Miss, how have you been doing?" She gives that sympathetic look but somehow I don't hate it from her.

"I'm doing better, thank you so much, and call me Izzy, please. Do you ever take a day off?"

"Actually I'm off the next two days, I did hope to catch you at some point today, I wanted to see if you'd be extending your stay past tonight?"

"Oh that's so sweet of you to check... um, honestly it's looking like I will be. I can't seem to find anywhere just yet. I can stay with my sister for awhile if things don't change by Friday." I feel awkward telling a total stranger plans I haven't even mentioned to my sister yet.

"That's great um..Izzy, come see me at the front desk before four thirty today and I'll get you  booked in okay?"

"Sure thing, thank you so much again Jennifer."

She waves me off and I head back to my room to get ready.

After a hot shower, I rummage through my clothing options. I have just about nothing to wear. I grabbed one pair of jeans when I was leaving the apartment and they'll have to do. I pull out a red t-shirt I picked up in the thrift store and it makes me look somewhat put together but it's not what I'd normally wear at all. I'm sure Annie isn't expecting anything else considering I'm living out of a duffel bag right now.

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