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Fuck those fucking Russians! I knew something was wrong when I saw that bastard coming out of the shelter. I should have known, how did I not see this coming? Those motherfuckers were sneaky. I was caught off guard and I had to fucking kneel before the bastard.

I did not look back as we ran and ran, by the time Aviva pulled her hand out of my mine we were far away from the shelter. I glanced back at her to see her tears-stricken face. I hated seeing her like that, I wanted to kill those Russians for making her cry. I hated my present state. I hated that I was constantly putting her at risk by proximity.

She wanted to go back to New York and I had refused her, I had convinced her to stay here with me. In danger, how selfish was I? I could have survived if I knew she was safe back in New York but I knew the moment I entered her car that winter night that I put her in danger which only I could protect her from. I was doing a terrible job at her protecting her but I could not let her go.

I would go crazy thinking this Rio got to her. It was my fault she was in this position in the first place I needed my men here immediately I could not allow anything bad to happen to her. After everything that had happened, I just wanted her back in New York, safe as I found her.

"I need to rest! We have been running for hours!" Aviva said, panting. I blinked not realizing how tired she had gotten. I knew that sleep was not enough. She looked worn out and tired, I rubbed my sweating forehead, looked around and found that we were in a busy city area and I was not wearing any footwear. I probably looked a mess but I was happy we were able to get the hell out of there.

I needed to call my men, we could not fucking continue this, not after everything that had happened to us. They needed to get down here! I needed protection! Protecting myself and Aviva was a big task, one that I was not sure I was capable of.

"Let us rest there," Aviva pointed at a park, and I followed her toward a bench not far from us. She sighed as soon as her ass touched the bench. I wished that this shit did not happen to her. I remembered the first time I saw her in the elevator, she was stunning. Her head fell on my shoulder, and her breath steadied. She was calmer than when we first reached the park.

Now, she looked practically homeless, which was not far from the truth. Her stomach growled, she glanced at me and rubbed her stomach. I clenched my jaw feeling helpless at our situation. I wanted to call Benito and berate him for not being fast enough but I knew I could not do that, they were working per my instructions. I needed to be careful with the situation even in my moment of desperation.

The sun was just coming out and it was very hot. We sat in the park for an hour, her head still on my shoulder, hunger and thirst were all I could feel. I never felt so tired in my life. Constantly running had never been in my book, I never knew how it felt to be without the money and power I had, I had never felt how it was to be so powerless, to be so useless. I could not even protect a woman. My father would be rolling in his grave if heard of my failures.

My eyes opened as a policeman approached us, I sat up startling Aviva, who I presumed was already falling asleep.

"Hey good morning," he greeted looking from Aviva to me. "Good morning officer," Aviva answered her voice hoarse.

"I was passing by and I noticed the two of you sitting here, I was wondering what you were doing. So I decided to come over and check. What going on?"

"We are fine," I snapped rudely. "No officer! We are doing alright! Just resting!" Aviva rushed out, and her fake sweet smile appeared.

"Can I see some IDs," he questioned again making me more frustrated. I was at my wit's end and I did not need any policeman in our business at the moment. We were sitting in a public park why was the bastard here?

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