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It was way too bright for my eyes, I don't know where the light was coming from but it was very bright. I glanced to my left to find a sofa and a window, where was I? I thought to myself. I sniffed and turned to the door at my left.

My head started connecting the dots as an influx of memories came back, tears uncontrollably started running down my eyes, and I could not stop crying. My hands went to my large stomach which was softer than it used to be.

I tried to stay calm but I couldn't my child! I never got to hold him! I was too weak to even know what happened after it came out of me. I was in so much pain that I never wanted to experience it again.

I tried to sit up but I flinched, the pain in my rear was a lot, I always knew that childbirth was awful but giving birth to my child two months early was another problem, the child would not br develop properly and everything would be a disaster.

The doors suddenly opened and Eduardo ran in, he looked startled and worried, and tears started running more and more down my eyes, he pulled me into his arms and I placed my head on his neck, I was crying so much that I did not know how much I could take.

"Eduardo," I muttered and sniffed, "sh! Aviva doesn't say anything. Everything is going to be fine, I promise you."

I nodded believing everything he just said, everything was going to be fine, everything would be alright. I was going to be fine, my child...

"My baby..." I pulled away from him, and he smiled, "Our child is alright, he is alive and well." I sighed visibly relieved that nothing happened to him. I would never be able to forgive myself if anything happened to him. He was my child and I would do everything for him.

"The doctor is on his way, I just..." I took her chin, "I am glad you are okay." I muttered under my breath and sighed, smiling.

"Not without Rosalia's help you mean," I blinked, "Rosalia did not try to kill you?" I asked, shocked as she shook her head.

"Of course not, Catalina attacked us, she tried to kill us all, she killed Marco first then she started shooting at us, I was terrified, then she mistakenly shot at Luca, then my water broke, I was just wondering why now? Six and a half months in, Rosalia helped me with my child, I fainted after it."

He looked like he could not believe the story I just recounted, and then he frowned, stood to his feet and pulled out his phone.

"What are you doing? Where are you going, Eduardo!" I called out to him as he started speaking in his native tongue, he did not look pleased. Suddenly he returned to me.

"Are you sure what you are saying is the truth?" he asked me.

"Of course! Why would I lie? Rosalia was the one who saved all of us, Luca, Alessio and me, I am just glad that we are fine."

Eduardo closed his eyes and sighed, "America has cost me so much, I can not do this anymore, please..." he suddenly took my arm. "return with me back to Spain, I can guarantee your protection there."

I sighed, this again?! I was not ready to just leave America like that! My life was here! My family! Aunty Dina, Bianca! Everyone! Could I leave here? For a man that I was not bound to?

"I cannot do this anymore Aviva, all of this, please... I need to return to Spain, America is destroying me."

"Eduardo, I... I am just waking up... I cannot..." I stuttered, finding it difficult to respond, he suggested it earlier and I blatantly refused but then again how I be so nervous? Eduardo was here for a reason! He was not going to move to America permanently! I should have thought of this before getting involved with him. It was meant to be a mere fling, it was not supposed to get this serious, now that it was serious, I had no other choice but to face the consequence of my actions. If that meant following him to Spain then so be it.

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