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I hated what I was doing, Catalina helped me to get this one-way ticket back to NY but I was leaving it, I was leaving this one opportunity and going to get Eduardo out of prison.

I barely had any money, but I knew it would all be worth it if I managed to get to Eduardo. I went to that pay phone, weirdly remembering Javier's number. Although Javier let them throw me out I knew he walked day and night with me to get Eduardo out of jail and this is the one impunity we have to get him out of jail.

I dialled it three or four times, before she picked it up, "Javier listen to me! I have what will get Eduardo out of jail! I have to see you," I said before he could say a word.

"Ma'am..." He started, sighing, "I promise that I am not lying, please I have to see you and Benito! Please, please you know I have done it all to make sure that Eduardo is out of jail, please."

"I... I am not sure..."

"Please, I would never lie about this thing, I am begging you to listen to me," I begged him.

"I can't get Benito to come, he does not trust that much, I am already in trouble as it is but I will try."

"Alright," I sighed, "can we meet at the Starbucks next the... Airport," I stated.

"I will be there soon, hold on."

It did not take long before I saw two large SUVs pull up in front of the Starbucks, I watched him enter the Starbucks with another man dressed in a luxurious suit that hosted more than the establishment was currently.

"You are Rosalia Gonzales," the man next to Javier said, he pulled out his chair and sat, "tell me," he said, with a blank expression.

I sighed, after what they did to me, I was mad but I knew that this was about Eduardo's life, I felt like he deserved it. I pulled out the flash drive and dropped it on the Starbucks table, people around us were looking at us.

"What is this?" he asked, me looking at the flash drive as if it was insignificant. I hated the way he was braving but I had no choice.

"What do you want?" he asked me, "I want nothing, I just want to see him out of prison," I said but he scoffed and stared at me as if he did not believe me.

He pushed forward and smirked, "Do you think that I am him, Rosalia? Do you think I am Eduardo who will allow you to rule his head?"

I frowned, what the hell? I did not even know him, why would he say all of these things to me?

"I am pregnant with your best friend's child, I am pregnant with his baby, the least you can do is respect me!"

"Respect?" he scoffed, "I am not going respect a gold-digging bitch who has bewitched my brother and deluded him into thinking that he is in love with her."

I swallowed looking down, I didn't know this person, but they hated me that much. I too in a breath remembering who I was doing it for, rubbed my eyes, I had done all I could for Eduardo, this was the final thing I was going to do for him, would not come back again.

"This is all I have for him, I hope this will get him out, but I have to leave." I stood to my feet and swallowed the hard ball of tears that was about to out.

"I am leaving, you or he does not have to worry about me anymore," I said and decided to walk out of the Starbucks.


I had no hope, and the men who were first arrested, were sitting and waiting for our trial in court, I had been prepped on what to say and not to say.

The lawyers Aviva employed were working overtime to help me, but I would still not plead guilty even though they asked, to garner a lighter sentence. I refused vehemently stating that I did not do it. I felt truly stuck, I felt so low, and the food was shit! Everything was so shitty! I was tired.

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