Episode 24

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 24

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The comeback date has been confirmed for August.

It felt a little strange to be in the conference room for the first time since Baekya signed the contract.

"It's been a while. Things must have been hectic these days."

As the conference room door opened, members of the planning team entered.

The woman, naturally making her way to the seat at the head of the conference table, was Lee Marie. Being one of the most influential figures, she was known as the Midas touch in the entertainment industry, responsible for the album, concept, and art direction of the artists under ID Entertainment.

From Korea's top idols, AIM, to the albums of the nation's girl group Rose Day, and of course, even the concepts and vision of the rookie group DASE, everything was born from Marie's fingertips.

"Baekya-ssi, I believe this is our first meeting. We haven't had a chance to meet before, have we? I have been quite busy, so I apologize for not paying attention. I'm sorry."

"N-no, it's all right. And nice to meet you."

Baekya bowed from his seat. The greeting felt a little odd, but it was the best he could manage. As his eyes met with Marie's, Baekya's eyes shifted away in awkwardness.

'I feel suffocated...!'

Baekya, who had joined DASE belatedly, was attending his first concept meeting. In such a situation, the sunfish's fingers fidgeted on the table, not knowing what would be talked about in a meeting like this.

Looking at him, Marie smiled and made jokes with the other members and staff to lighten the tense atmosphere.

A few moments later, the meeting began as her subordinate announced that the preparations were complete.

"DASE's next comeback will be a mini-album. You've heard of it, right?"

"Yes. We have heard of it."

The leader Minsung replied calmly.

"As you members also know, worldbuilding is one of the things we've been working on the most with this rookie group."


Naturally, this was the first time he has heard of it. Baekya looked at the screen in the middle of the conference room.


"If the debut song 'No Games' serves as the introduction to DASE's universe, then starting from this album, we plan to properly throw in the worldbuilding elements as hints."

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