Episode 60

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 60

At that moment, Baekya locked eyes with Siyun, who had stuck his head in and peeked through the carefully opened door.


Baekya, with wide eyes, looked behind him through the mirror's reflection.

"Baekya, hi!"

Siyun, smiling warmly, entered the room.


Minsung, who was scrolling on his phone while waiting for his turn, awkwardly got up.

"We just got here. You haven't had lunch yet, right?"

It appeared that other members of AIM, including Yeonha and Guyang, had also arrived. The room paused its bustling as DASE and their staff halted to welcome AIM.

"Ah, the other members are tied up with schedules."

Yeonha, who had grown close to DASE during their livestream, waved his hand.


Chung, rushing over, clung to him as Yeonha mentioned the absent members.

"I'll introduce them when they come. You haven't met them yet, right?"

Minsung, flustered, frantically waved his hands in refusal.

"No, no! We can head over to you instead."

Minsung, who intended to drop by as soon as his preparations were roughly finished, looked at Yeonha with sparkling eyes, as if to prove the truthfulness of his words just uttered, without a hint of falsehood. Chung, standing next to him, looked confused.

"We meet them all the time, though? The company's full of their pictures."

As the youngest asked, "Didn't we watch their concert video together yesterday?" Minsung impatiently tugged at Chung.

"Haha... come here, Chung."

"Why? Am I wrong?"

As question marks hovered over his head, Yeonha gently patted Chung's head, softly smiling at the two of them.

"Looking at you reminds me of when I first met Guyang."

"Why me?"

Guyang, a foreign member from Taiwan, chimed in.

"Seeing Chung reminds me of what you used to be like."

Clearly being teased, Guyang expressed his disbelief at the remark.

"What the—? But seriously though. It's great to finally see the faces of our hoobae-nims. If not for the tour, we'd be able to stay in Korea."

Such impressive Korean skills! Baekya, who had been talking to Siyun, looked sideways in admiration. Despite Baekya being distracted, the social networking by the group's leader didn't skip a beat.

"We also really wanted to meet you sunbae-nims."

Sharing a room with Yulmu seemed to have rubbed off on Minsung, who appeared to be increasingly adopting his habits—of course, his words were sincerely meant.

"Right? We're under the same company and yet it's so difficult to meet each other."

Siyun and AIM's manager started laying out various packages on the table.

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