Episode 38

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 38

"I love how the whole music video is so refreshing and bright."

Minsung expressed his thoughts, saying that of course, although 'No Games' was good, this song was a little more suitable for their age group.

His sentiments were strongly echoed by one person. Yulmu raised his hand and added.

"Honestly, I felt the freshness as soon as the video started. Our Peach appearing from under the blanket, and that juice... sigh~"

Yulmu then pretended to touch his face, saying it was still sticky from the splattered juice. The members burst out laughing at his witty comment.

//TN: Before you have any perverted thoughts, juice/juiciness usually refers to someone's sweetness or cuteness. Because juice is made from fruits and fruits are sweet.


Baekya, the only one not laughing, reached for the tissues lying outside the camera frame with glaring eyes.

"There! Quickly wipe it then!"

The ripped tissue was handed to Yulmu like a torn piece of fabric.

"Taenk yoo~"

However, Yulmu didn't stop at the first verse and continued into the second.

"Did you guys see that? This is how sweet our Peach is at home. With 100 percent swee-, uph!"

But in the end, a small hand stretched out unable to hold back. Baekya, who got up from his seat, lunged at Yulmu and covered his mouth.

Leaning back, Yuyeon naturally made way for Baekya as he spoke.

"When Yulmu hyung came out wearing the shower gown, I got really startled since I thought he was going to undress."

While the two people were squabbling, impressions continued from the other end. The atmosphere was nonchalant, as if this was a scene they were used to witnessing.

"Yulmu has a nice body."

In fact, he used to be in the basketball club until his first year of high school.

"What do you think, Chung?"

"I enjoyed it too! Especially because we had matching clothes and hairstyles."

Chung, who was an only child, had always wished for a sibling. However, while preparing for this album, he expressed the joy of feeling like he gained twin brothers and had a lot of fun during the filming process.

"What about you, Jihan?"

"First of all, I think I should express my gratitude to the camera director for filming such beautiful shots."

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