Episode 56

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 56

A chilling silence fell between them.

Even Minsung, who tried to mediate between the two, froze in his tracks.

Meanwhile, the Sunfish, without realizing it, had lashed out. In fact, the Sunfish was now trembling inside.

'I've messed up.'

He hadn't meant to shout, but the frustration he had been holding back just burst forth.

He struggled to survive amidst the constant fear of not knowing when he might die, every day since he had been synchronized here.

Everything felt like a reason for his demise, including this very moment.


[Death due to discord with a member!]

It wouldn't have been surprising if such a notification had popped up. Baekya had accidentally vented his frustrations meant for the system on Yulmu.

'Why am I crying like a fool?'

Baekya wiped his tears with the back of his hand and said in a shaky voice,

"I'm really sorry about today. I know everyone's already having a hard time with the activities."

Baekya left the room, saying he would try harder than he currently was, and hid in the bathroom. He locked the door, turned on the shower, and crouched down underneath it, burying his face in his knees.

"I miss my big sister."

The tears finally broke free. Amidst the sound of falling water, Baekya's sobbing could be heard.

"Damn it."

Yulmu ruffled his hair and flopped down onto the bed.

"Na Yulmu, why were you like that?"

Yuyeon took the shocked Chung out of the room, leaving only Yulmu, Minsung, and Jihan in the room.

"Sorry. The atmosphere became unnecessarily weird because of me."

"You should apologize to Baekya, not us," Jihan spoke with a serious tone.

"Please, stop saying you're sorry." Minsung looked like he was about to pull his hair out in frustration.

"Why did you even do that? Normally, you're laughing around like you're missing a screw." At Minsung's words, Yulmu clammed up. After hesitating, he looked down and answered,

"It's just... because I was scared."

Seeing this side of Yulmu for the first time, Jihan stared at him intently.

"What are you scared of? That he might leave?"

Baekya's potential departure.

Of course, that was a frightening thought. Without Baekya, DASE would likely have collapsed.

"That's scary too."

"Don't joke around."

The atmosphere remained heavy.

Was it now Jihan and Yulmu's turn to be in the spotlight? Minsung, who self-professedly had a weak mentality, faced them with a look full of fear, attempting to mediate once more.

"Just stop it. If you guys fight too, I'm really going to cry."


"Cry then."

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