Episode 51

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TL by Miru

I'm a Genius Idol but My Passive is Sunfish: Episode 51

This little rascal... No way, right?

The members shared uneasy glances and wild guesses, observed by the panelists.

Minsung remembered double-checking the application form with Namkyung before putting it in the bag.

'It was blank until then. When did he write that...?'

Minsung swallowed nervously, knowing he had to somehow manage the situation. However, our free spirit could not be deterred.

"Let go! Why are you stopping me?"

Chung shook off Yuyeon's hand, appearing wronged as he spoke to Hodin.

"Look, because I'm a 'baby,' I don't have any strength!"

Hodin, alternating glances between a visibly stiffened Minsung and an assertive Chung, inquired about the meaning of "Baby" written as a weakness.

"Of carrot, it means the youngest! I'm the youngest in our team."

It turned out Chung used 'Baby' to indicate he was the maknae. He wasn't listing a weakness but expressing his frustration. Chung felt upset being treated like a baby by the older members when he was a grown man, saying that they saw him as some kind of troublemaker.

"I thought you wrote 'Baby' because you had a hidden child or something~"

"Oh my god."

Chung was appalled by Hodin's misunderstanding and quickly clarified.

"I'm not crazy!"

Asserting his sanity and mentioning he had no immediate marriage plans, Chung concluded perfectly. Minsung suddenly found Chung endearing and hugged him tightly.

"Aigoo, my baby. All grown up now."

Chung, puzzled for being hugged and patted on the head by Minsung, pointed at him and silently mouthed to the panelists,

[(Muted) Look at this!]

[The youngest overwhelmed by his hyungs' love]

Hodin closed the file of DASE's application form and heartily announced,

"All members of DASE are successfully enrolled!"

* * *

The fan sign event attendee, who miraculously walked out on her own two feet, boarded the subway with happy memories. Sparrow launched a community app she was active on and, as expected, found numerous posts about DASE's appearance on a variety show.

[The Beauty Ranking of DASE by Baekya]

[The Disaster of DASE Chung Chung's Weakness]

[Baekya Makes the Entire Cast of <Transfer Student!> Become Fans]

[Minsung's First-Class Gyeongsang Province Dialect]

[What Happened in DASE's Practice Room That Day?]

She clicked on the most intriguing post.

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