Chapter 4.

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Daniel and Alex dragged Stefan's body to the mansion and put him on the couch, Alex kept the glass in his hand and half filled vodka on the side making it look like he drunk slept. He would definitely not remember anything tomorrow cause of the sedative.

They both sighed looking at Stefan's unconscious body.

"Why she is fucking so annoying." Alex said with a sigh looking at his Father but to Daniel.

"I would've killed that bitch but you didn't let me."

"You should not."

"And fucking why?"

"Because I'm telling you." Alex stated and went to his room leaving Daniel in the bar room.

He unbutton his shirt and throwed it in the corner of the room and jumped on his bed but regretted it after a second due to the pain. He minimised the temperature and closed his eyes. But there was no sleep.

"I thought he is unfair to you. Wait why should I explain myself."

Her words were ringing in his ears and her eyes were roaming in his mind. He touched his stomach and smirked remembering her kick.

"You are too strong for your own good and yes he is really unfair to me. What are you Eira? How many people I have killed then why not you and why am I even thinking about you."

"I'm ordering you."

This made him chuckle again. He opened his eyes in a jolt and was confused of himself, his mind.

"Shoo go away." He shooed the air and layed back.

After lot of difficulty he slept.

He groaned in sleep due to the sun rays hitting on his face. He kept the pillow on his face and turned the side. His alarm started ringing making him annoyed. He started searching for the alarm without opening his eyes.

He got it and within seconds it was broken into pieces as he throwed it to the wall. He again slept feeling so tired. It was around 11 am and he woke up looking for the time, his eyes widen looking at the wall clock. He immediately got up and ran to the washroom and took a quick shower.

He wore his usual, shirt with coat or blazer, sometimes jeans sometimes formal pants.

Today it was white shirt with navy blue blazer and jeans. His jeans colour was matching his eye colour. He wore his watch and combed his hairs.

After half an hour he was in company walking towards the elevator. Everyone bowed their heads in respect, he got in his cabin and sat on his chair. His secretary wasn't there near him today. He turned on his laptop and started working.

With that a knock came on his door and he asked whoever to come inside. A blondie came inside with casual wear not too revealing but some decent clothing.

There was minimal makeup on her face and her hairs were down to her shoulder. Her eyes matches with Alex but it's light blue in shade. Overall she looked professional.

"Yes." Alex asked coldly.

"Good morning Mr James, actually Mr Hudson send me here for the interview of your PA." She replied professionally. This made Alex a little surprise. She was totally opposite to the previous assistant he had.

He motioned her to sit, she sat with a slight smile. She had that confidence in her.

"Introduce yourself first."

"Myself Eira Noor I'm here as your personal assistant. I..." She was saying further but he stopped her in the middle.

"What did you say your name?" He asked confused.

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