Chapter 37.

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"I'm not, now leave me I've work." She tried to go but he again made her stand in her place.

"I'm not marrying anyone, it is so hard to maintain one you thought I'll think about others." He stated with a smirk gently caressing her cheeks and tracing her eyebrows.

"Maintain? You think I'm some animal to get maintained."

He laughed at her words and shook his head in disbelief.

"I love only you till my last breath."

"Oh wow." She mocked.

"You are adorable."

"And you are shameless disgusting person."

He laughed again.

"Take back your words, or else you are gonna regret love."

"Oh they went far away they don't want to come back, I can't take back my words forcefully you know." She said rolling her eyes.

He traced her cheek with his index finger and made her look up at him keeping his finger under her chin.

"You are lucky that you are my wife." He whispered near her ear, gently kissing it making a shiver ran down her spine. Even though she had her hijab but his touch would always electrify her.

He kept his hands on her waist and took a step closer infront of her. It was impossible for her to even move an inch as she was trapped between Alex and the wall .

Her breathing quicken making his smirk to widen.

"Take back your words." He whispered, his breath fanning her lips which was doing something in her tummy.

"They went far away to get back." She whispered back.

"You are such a stubborn girl."

She smiled mockingly which made him grin.

He took a small step towards her, his fingers fondling the deep curve of her waist. Her breathing quicken so does her heartbeat, her body was on fire.

He leaned closer but stopped in the middle just inches apart from her lips.

"Dr Eira there is an emergency." One of the nurse came but stopped in the middle.

Eira pushed Alex back with a force by keeping her hand on his chest but immediately removed it after he moved back a little.

"I'm coming." She whispered trying to catch her breath first, and calm her racing heart. She could barely hear her own voice.

She looked back at Alex who was grinning looking at her flushed face.

"We are gonna continue this at home." He whispered in her ear and went from there kissing her cheek.

She was too stunned to move an inch, nurse already went back after informing her. After few minutes she came back in her senses and took a deep breath.

She went to the emergency ward to look at the patients.

She then went to check upon other patients and Daniel. There were two guards assigned as per Alex's order.

She rolled her eyes and went inside, Daniel was watching TV. He looked up at her and smiled a little.

"How are you feeling now? Any pain?" She asked.

"I'm fine and there is no severe pain though."

She nodded and checked him, she changed the drip and was going from there but stopped when he called her.



"Thank you."

"I haven't done anything, it was Allah who saved you."

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