Chapter 58.

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Umar was again back to his usual routine, he was working in his cabin when a knock on the door snapped him.

"Get in." His full focus was on the laptop, he was typing rapidly.

"Good afternoon Mr Jabir." This was Amara.

"Afternoon." He mumbled and slowed down his typing speed.

"Uh.. Yes. There is a meeting."

"What is it Ms Amara?"

She was shocked, standing numb on her place.

"Uh.. How was your trip?"

"Alhamdulillah." He looked at her for a second but immediately lowered his gaze.

"We were thinking of having a group lunch, will you join us?" She asked fidgeting her fingers.

Umar thought for a minute.

"Yeah sure." He replied and a huge grin plastered on Amara's face.

"Okay, you know you have changed a little."

"Huh?" He asked with raised eyebrow.

"I mean.. nothing. Lunch at 2 then."

He nodded and she walked out with a cheeky smile plastered on her face.

Umar sighed and focused back on his work. 3 months back it was Ramzaan and he actually spend the entire month in peace.

He still remembers his first time fasting, years back. It was one of the great experiences. The effect of the beautiful month purified his soul giving him the energy to endure the doing of this world.

His thoughts came to an end when his phone started ringing. He took it and without glancing he answered.

"Assalam ul alaikum." He greeted.

"Walikum as salaam." There was a strange voice, he looked at the caller ID and it was an unknown number.


"This is a warning, you will face severe punishment if you are late."


"You have only half an hour left and if you don't come in time you will be dragged."

"Okay I'll be there, my suit is well pressed don't think of dragging."

The other end got silent and a smirk was there on Umar's face. He didn't know what's going on but he was messing with the one who was trying to mess with him. 

"Time is ticking 25 minutes."

"Let's do a thing, you will eventually come to drag me. So, why not let's meet at my place, time is ticking 24 minutes." He replied back.

"If I come then that will be your last chance, you will be in great loss."

"Waiting for you buddy and on your way get me a hot coffee."

He was about to cut the call but stopped in the middle listening to that strange voice.

"Your friends will be in danger too."

Something clicked in his mind and he shook his head with a smirk on his face.

"I don't have any friends."

He kept the phone on speaker and was continuing his work.

"You don't have?"

He was so done with all of this childish behaviour.

"I have one but he is of no use, you can take him instead of me."

"And who is it?"

"Imaad Abbas."

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