Rashmi's Conspiracy

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Rashmi dolled up beautifully to see Rohan and deliver the shocking news personally.

She was walking out when she got a text from the private number.

'Do you even know the guy with Tejasswi Sharma?'

Of course, she doesn't know the person, but who cares? Tejasswi proved the two timer is all that matters.

'I don't.' Rashmi replied.

'That's why you can't mess with him, or else you will be sued and nobody can save you. He is renowned businessman Karan Kundrra.' 

The next message pulled the rug out from under Rashmi's feet.

'What, the famous Karan Kundrra? Are you sure? How do you know?'

Rashmi typed another text with trembling hands.

"How could I not know him?" The enermous caller monologued and edited his reply to Rashmi. 'Yes, I am.'

Rashmi lifted her hands and thanked the fairy angel that she had not acted rashly and forwarded pictures to the media. She can't dare to provoke the business devil.

"Royman Hotel, why did you drive here, out of all places?"

Aneri raised her eyebrows while hopping out of the car.

"Of course you need to have a great full-course meal." Tejasswi said this and walked in, followed by Aneri.

Aneri was quite shocked when Tejasswi crossed a prohibited zone while marching in the hotel. She ran after her and grabbed her hand.

"Teju, what on earth are you doing? This is a restricted area."

"Of course I know; let's have seafood today. You like it, don't you? Tejasswi said, then gripped Aneri's hand and pulled her.

"Hey, slow down." Aneri yelled. "Speaking of which, why this prohibited area instead of one restaurant out of so many under this roof?" Aneri fired off another question.

"An important personality is going to join us."

"What, here, that's news?"

"Miss Sharma, this way, please."

A guard attended them the moment they stepped out of the elevator. He led them to a dining hall that contained only one enormous, royal dining table with 18 chairs, and the head chair was like a throne.

"Ma'am, please have a seat; the boss will be here soon."

Tejasswi sat down on the right side of the head chair with Aneri next to her.

"Teju, who is the boss? Who is going to join us and why? Aneri asked in confusion.

She has so many questions buzzing in her brain, but Tejasswi has been getting mysterious lately.

"I want to introduce you to someone."


"It's me." Karan said this while pushing a food trolley and walking in.

He was crouched on the trolley, which didn't expose his face to Aneri.

"A chef in a tux?" Aneri said it and giggled. "You want to introduce me to him?"

Tejasswi looked at Aneri with a jerk, then at Karan with wide eyes. She was worried that he would be offended.

Karan straightened his back and stood with his hands in his pants pocket. His calm yet stiff face stunned Aneri. She jumped from her chair.

"Mr. Karan Kundrra? Aneri mumbled with nervousness.

"Do you know him? Tejasswi didn't expect her to recognize him.

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