Games of Love

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Shivangi's eyes welled up with tears as she revealed her whiteboard, causing a collective gasp from the onlookers.

'Regardless of the underlying cause, I must extend my apology for the sake of my relationship.'

A heavy silence hung in the air as everyone observed Shivangi's pain, prompting a collective understanding of the source of her somber demeanor.

The quiet was disrupted by Vicky as he stood and presented his blank board, confessing, "I apologize, folks, but I didn't write my answer because I wanted to proclaim it aloud."

Sitting on one knee before Shivangi, he looked into her eyes and said, "Shivi, I apologize for every minute I've caused you pain. I'm sorry for every moment I overlooked you, placing everything else above you, and taking your love for granted. I'm remorseful for allowing my moods to affect you and for failing to apologize for my wrongs."

In the end, Vicky wiped Shivangi's tears with care, his eyes glistening. He held his ears in a gesture of sincere remorse. "Can you find it in your heart to forgive me?"

Shivangi, whose heart was full of tenderness, longed for Vicky's attention, and she finally got it. Gently, she pried his hand from his ears and ecstatically hopped. Vicky scooped her up, and they pressed their foreheads together.

The audience's applause persisted, marking the end of a truly heartwarming reconciliation.

With a sardonic tone, Rajesh remarked, "Isn't it amusing how losers receive more applause than the actual winners?"

His heart was filled with joy at the reunion, knowing that his diligent efforts had yielded success.

"Dad, their answers align. They're not to be dismissed as losers."

Kunal couldn't resist and once again stuck his nose in, attempting to oppose Rajesh, but he didn't succeed.

"As per the rules, they were supposed to write the answer on the board together. They're disqualified now," Rajesh declared firmly, gesturing with his hand.

"But dad....."

The entire group was adamant about persuading Rajesh to amend his rules, but they couldn't get him to budge.

In a firm tone, he scolded everyone, reiterating with pride, "No room for arguments; it's my game and my rules."

"No worries, folks. We're happily accepting our disqualification," Shivangi said, squeezing Vicky in a tight hug.

"Exactly. We've achieved our goal. Best of luck to all." Vicky enveloped Shivangi in a warm hug, and they settled by the pool, letting their legs dangle, cheering on the others.

"It wasn't about you; it was my own ease I was concerned about," Kunal muttered to himself, clearly troubled.

"Here's the next question: What is the one thing that you and your partner can't stand about each other?"

The question caught all the men off guard, and they turned to Rajesh with beseeching expressions, except for Karan.

"Could you kindly swap out only this question?" Rakesh implored.

"Indeed, this question is too precarious to tackle." Kunal slipped back into his protesting demeanor.

"Seriously, you guys are letting the women call the shots. Just take a leaf out of my boss's book and find some inspiration. There's no need to be intimidated by your partners!" Vicky shouted, aiming to stir up the men in the game.

"You and your boss are real daredevils, but cut us some slack." Kunal jested, but his gaze met Aneri's sharp glare, making him smile sheepishly.

"Fine, baby, I'm writing honestly.

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