Courtroom Chess

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"Your honor, before we commence today's proceedings, Miss Sharma would like to make a request to the court," Vicky stated after bowing to the judge.

Rohan and his lawyer exchanged glances, and Chowdhary threw them a look that said they were pulling the same stunt, but he made it clear it's not going to fly in court—different day, same old song.

The judge gave a nod of approval, granting permission for the request.

Tejasswi sauntered up, taking her spot in front of the judge after shooting a quick nod. Feeling the weight of onlookers' stares, she nervously licked her lips, sensing the heat in the room.

The seasoned stage and on-camera pro, unafraid in the limelight, is now grappling with stage fright for the first time. However, driven by her love for her daughter, she pushes through.

Tejasswi let out a deep breath, mustered her courage, and started speaking. "Your honor, during the previous session, Attorney Chowdhary claimed I'm unfit as a mother for Saanjh, and even..."

"Your honor, objection. What's the point of dragging in the last hearing? The defendant is just trying to stall and stretch this out unnecessarily," Chowdhury interjected, throwing obstacles in Tejasswi's way, sensing her nervousness.

Tejasswi grew annoyed with his constant interruptions, facing him with crossed arms. "This is just another baseless accusation. If the plaintiff could delve into conflicting matters of the past between me and my cousin, why can't I discuss the last hearing?"

"Objection dismissed. Plaintiff's counsel, cut the unnecessary objections, and quit squandering the court's time. Don't you know the current session is a sequel to the last one?" The judge warned Chowdhary, clearly irritated.

Tejasswi pressed on, "Your honor, I felt bad for my cousin's unborn child, abandoned by her father before birth while her mother was on her deathbed. That's why I made the decision to adopt her. From the moment I first held Samajh in my arms, she became an integral part of my life."

"I poured my heart into nurturing her, and the label of being a careless mother literally cut deep. That's why I've got a few questions for Mr. Rohan Kapoor. Can I proceed, please?"

Tejasswi made a sincere plea, addressing the judge with utmost sincerity, and just as the judge was about to grant permission, Chowdhary, true to form, rose with yet another objection.

"My lord, what's going on here? Is the defendant trying to advocate for herself in place of her lawyer without a legal  degree?

"Certainly not, Your Honor. The defendant simply has a few questions for the plaintiff in this courtroom. If the court decides against it, as her lawyer, I'll handle it," Vicky promptly stood up, preempting any potential denial for Tejasswi.

Vicky's argument did the trick; Chowdhury refrained from further objections, realizing that it might be more advantageous for an untrained civilian to cross-examine Rohan instead of a lawyer, especially when she already appeared less confident.

The judge glanced at both the plaintiff and the defendant, along with their lawyers, before nodding affirmatively. "Alright, she's allowed.

Rohan rose from his seat and walked to the witness stand, bolstering his confidence at the sight of Tejasswi taking on the challenge of cross-examining him.

"Mr. Kapoor, would you mind providing a detailed account of our past relationship for the court?" Tejasswi inquired with her first question.

While asking, a tinge of embarrassment and nerves showed on her face, but her gaze at Karan was met with a reassuring blink, indicating his steadfast support.

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