The Voice

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Skylar's POV

Everyone froze. I sat up and cocked my head while the boys bowed their heads.

"What are you guys doing down here?" asked Austin or i think that's what his name is.

"Um... we are just checking on the fox Alpha," said Josh looking nervous.

He nodded and went out the door. Ok..... so he just came in here just to see what is going on? Nosy much?

"Whats the matter with him these days?" Liam asked

"I don't know" Luke said shrugging his shoulders

The younger one, Liam came closer to me ignoring the growls I gave him. He plopped down right beside me, reached out his hand and stroked my fur.

'satisfied?' I asked him

His eyes went wide and frantically looked around.

"Did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Luke asked giving him an ' you going insane' look.


Yep I can mind link with anything. Well not anything but living things, humans not included. Just found out while I was running in the woods the other day, the day when.... anyways.... stumbled upon a rabbit. Yep, a rabbit.

'looks like someone's about to go insane'

Ha! He looks like he had just seen a ghost.

'I'm right here you idiot'

"Wh-Who's there?" he called out earning a confused look from Luke and a knowing smile from Josh.

"Bro...... who are you talking to?" Luke asked

"IDK THERE'S THIS VOICE IN MY HEAD!" he yelled panicking.

'I think you should call 911 he's about to have a panic attack' I mind linked Luke.

This time it was his turn to look around. I let out a bark of laughter. Josh chuckled.

"It's not funny you know," Luke said

Josh already knew I could mind link anyone a few days ago when we were getting to know each other.

'Should we tell them?' Josh mind linked me

'Eh... I'd rather keep tormenting them'

'Ah being sneaky huh? I see'

I got up and walked over to Luke who was still looking around. I nudged his leg. He nearly jumped seven feet in the air. He looked down at me in surprise. I nodded my head in Josh's and Liam's direction inviting him to join our mini circle. I walked over and laid stretched out in the middle my paws touching Luke's knee, my head on Josh's lap and my back paws touching Liam's lap.

"The voice is gone," said Liam sounding relieved.

'Keep on thinking that' I told him

He screamed in fustration pulling at his hair. Josh was laughing so hard tears were threatening to slip out his eyes and Luke well.... he's just sitting there.....

Oh this is going to be fun.


Hey yo! I updated yay! And guess what?! It's the last day of school!! WOOHOOO!!!! I finally got up from my lazy ass and updated :D

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