Don't wake me up before 9

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Skyler's POV

His soft lips molded perfectly to mine. He glides his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I  

denied and smirked when he growled in frustration. I gasped as he grabbed my ass, with that he shoved his tongue in my mouth. We battled for dominance but of course he won. 

We broke the kiss, breathing heavily.

Snow and Scarlet are practically dancing around in my head.

  I glanced up at Austin to see him staring at me, a goofy grin on his face. 


His grin grew wider if that was even possible. Without a word he went to the closet and put on his boxers. We were so caught up in the kiss that I didn't even notice the towel dropped...

(A/N: O.o)

I climbed in bed and stared up at the ceiling. I flushed, remembering our kiss. A moment later, Austin climbed in. He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a tender kiss on my temple.

"Goodnight, little mate."

I sighed blissfully as my eyes drifted closed.

*Next Morning*

I woke up to voices in the room.

"Aww... look how cute they are..."

"I should definitely take a picture of this."

The voices belonged to Josh and Chloe who were standing at the door. I groaned.

"What are you guys doing here at..." I looked over at the clock," 7  am?!"

"Well, we decided to plan a surprise party," said Chloe clapping her hands excitedly.

"Oh but can't it wait later?" I asked exasperated.

"Nope," said Josh popping the 'p'.

I groaned, " Go plan your party somewhere else and let me sleep."

Of course they didn't listen an started talking. If it's one thing you should know, you do not  wake me up before 9 unless it's something really important like a fire or something.

Their talking turned into bickering. I growled and grabbed the next thing closest to me which happens to be the clock. Oh well, now I don't have that bloody thing waking me up.

I snatched it up and threw it at them. Chloe saw it coming and quickly ducked in time while Josh, who had his back facing me turned around and got hit straight on the forehead. 

"OW! Why'd you do that?"


Chloe had already left as soon as she saw me throw the clock. Huh, smart little chip. 

"JESUS WOMAN NO NEED TO BE SO VIOLENT." With that he quickly turned on his heels and ran out. 

I groaned closing my eyes.

"What was all that about?" A sleepy Austin mumbled while snuggling closer.

I turned to face him, peeking one eye open. "Josh."


Aww he looks so cute with his bed hair, sticking up in all different directions. I poked him on the cheek causing him to open one eye. He groaned.

"Go back to sleep, mate."

"Ok glad you're alive. how did you even sleep through all that anyway?"

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