What The Hell??

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Skylar's POV

Uh it's boring down here I tell you. I placed around the cell and decided on the most absurd idea. I started singing which obviously ended up in me howling me head off.
The guys aka Josh,Luke, and Liam came running in looking worried.
"Is everything alright? What's wrong?" asked Luke.
I barked at them.
'Just singing' I said to Josh. He chuckled and came over petting my head.
The others came over sitting down in front of me.
"The alpha has decided on what to do with you," said Liam looking excited.
"He's going to let you go hoping you'll lead him to his mate," said Josh looking at me worriedly.
Seriously? How stupid can he get? The mother fucker....
'You OK?' Josh asked
I nodded. The guys started talking among themselves.
I think you should tell them... Said my oh so brilliant wolf.
Oh look who decided to show up.. What have you been doing? Vacation?
OK......weird.... Should I or shouldn't I? I spent a few minutes debating with myself. Uh.....
I decided to shift back. Sounds of bones breaking and cracking in place echoed around the cell room. Silence. I slowly opened my eyes and found Luke and Liam staring at me eyes wide, mouth reaching all the way to the floor ok I'm just kidding.
"Close your mouth boys before you catch a fly," I said smirking.
"You..you're...." Liam stuttered in shock.
"Mhm......" I said raising an eyebrow.
"So you ARE Austin's mate and our Luna!" said Luke
"Bravo you finally figured it out," I said slowly clapping.
A cough was heard to my right.
"Right are you guys done?" Asked Josh looking bored
"Hold on a second you knew about this? Of her?!" Luke asked pointing at me. Josh nodded.
"And you never told us?!" Exclaimed Liam
"Hey! She didn't want you to know ok? Don't blame it all on me!" Josh said.
"Let me introduce myself, I'm Luke and this idiot here is Liam," Luke said winking at me.
"I'm Skyler but just call me Sky," I said smiling slightly.
As if they've just figured it out, Luke pointed a finger at me.
"Are you the voice that was in our head?"
"What voice?" I asked putting on my best 'what the fuck are you talking about' face.
"OH MY GOD I TOLD YOU WE'RE BEING HAUNTED!" shrieked Liam looking around the room. I was trying hard not to laugh and so was Josh.
"We're not being haunted you fucking idiot! There's no such thing as ghosts!" said Luke looking exasperated.
"YES!!!!" Liam screamed. Ow. My ears are ringing from the volume.
"NO!" roared Luke.
"Umm you know we're still here right?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
As if they didn't hear me, they continued arguing.
They're like kids. Snow said, amused.
I sighed. This is going to be a long argument. Might as well grab some popcorn...oh right there isn't any down here in the cellar. Oh well guess we'll have to watch a movie without popcorn then..


Hey peeps! Thanks for all the lovely comments guys! It means a lot! Hope you enjoyed this chappie! Lol. Kk.

I can't update on my laptop don't ask me why. But luckily got my tablet with me ✌✌

Until next time folks!!!!!

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